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Forum › Secret Borderline discussion

joined Jun 11, 2016

Does Nico usually curse this much? It feels a bit OOC.

Aside from that, this is a great doujin! Kotori hesitating to say her thoughts, Nico being frustrated by it and Honoka & Umi supporting Kotori are all on point! That kiss at the end is so sweet.

Thank you Davinci scans!

joined Sep 23, 2021

well, none of them really swear at all, do they? but in a world where they did, i think nico might well be the one who swears a lot.

much as i love nicomaki, nicokoto is a bit of a rarepair guilty pleasure for me, so this was nice.

last edited at Jul 22, 2022 4:55AM

joined Sep 1, 2021

Nice to see the author give an endorsement to "Nicotori" - it flows perfectly! Why does everyone insist on "KotoNico"?

However, once again, am I the only one getting tired of all this absurd over-innocence? Kotori thinks she's a "pervert" for wanting to "touch" Nico, and Nico offers her ... hugs? And then she whispers something that makes Nico fly off the handle in disbelief and it turns out to be ... a kiss?? On what planet are you someone's girlfriend when you haven't even kissed yet?!?

I know that Japanese culture is supposed to be a bit more conservative, but ... damn. Seriously?

last edited at Jul 23, 2022 6:47AM

joined Dec 10, 2020

I hope we get more rarepairs like this later on

last edited at Jul 25, 2022 8:24AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

However, once again, am I the only one getting tired of all this absurd over-innocence?

I am convinced this is intentionally written to bamboozle readers. Like I could get somewhat behind hugs since they could get kinda touchy compared to just handholding but when Kotori whispered into Nico's ears and they were both red as Maki I was expecting something more and just lost it. The reveal of Kotori thinking she was a pervert though was gold at first. Also absolutely loved how Honoka and Umi coached her in though. Other characters being involved in a certain pairing's doujin is unfortunately not universal
Thanks for the translation!

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