Forum › Borderline Virgin discussion

joined Jun 12, 2021

I am generally a believer in "as long as they end up happy, it's fine", but I couldn't help but sigh and look aside in disappointment at yet another example of emotionally cornering someone instead of communicating.

joined Aug 17, 2020

I like the term used here "borderline virgins"

joined May 7, 2022

the credits killed me lol

joined Oct 25, 2010

Haruka loves Chinatsu-chan very much! They feel the same way about each other! I know how people don’t pick up on other’s feelings! Sometimes you have to be batted on the head to understand how much the one closest to you feels! I know I was not quick picking up how much Lori loved me! Some of my co-workers at my previous work site called me when my beloved wife came to pick

joined Oct 25, 2010

up supplies for their work place! They called me to tell that Lori was sweet about me! I had no idea! I am grateful when they called to inform me about her feelings! I probably would have been single my entire life unless they intervened!

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