"I don't know if Reimu still remembers, but I sure will never forget.
I was then just a normal village girl, yet to be disowned by my dad, and I was afraid of youkai, the dark, and magic.
So, naturally, a fateful day I was attacked by a youkai. Not sure why I was even outside the village, but at that moment, I was sure to meet my end, for terror left me paralyzed, unable to flee or even yell for help.
Then, I saw her. Suddenly the shrine maiden of Hakurei - Reimu, I would later learn and call - appeared and exterminated the youkai, in a wonderful dance of white and red, a superb display of grace and power.
Her beauty and might left me in awe, maybe even more dumbstruck than the fear of certain death. She lent me a hand and I blinked. Only then I noticed her face: she was young, about my age, and her eyes revealed an earnest yet lonely heart. And she was oh, so very pretty...
My hand reached hers, and she held it firmly, yet gently. The physical contact shocked me, because it meant the whole thing was real: how could this not be a dream? How could such a girl not be a dream?
I tried to talk, maybe to thank her, I don't know, but my voice didn't come out. Cowardly little me. She, on the other hand, didn't even open her mouth. Instead, she simply led me to the village, entrance waved goodbye at me, and flew away.
Later I'd tell Kourin about what happened, and he'd explain all about the shrine maiden of Hakurei, her job and her power. Cool stuff, really, but I really wanted to know about that girl in particular. About this Reimu, and her lonely eyes..."
"That night, I saw a shooting star. My first instinct was to shut my eyes and make a wish: 'I want to know about that girl', I was about to pray, but then, realization hit me.
Stars are bright and beautiful, but they're also distant and ominous. One can't help but try and reach at them. She's just like them.
Shooting stars, however, aren't actually stars (says Kourin), but clusters of cosmic dust burning violently through the night sky, maybe just to make a show of their death.
At that moment, my wish became resolve: I will chase after my star, I will learn to fly as fast and burn as bright like a shooting star, and I will become her equal in strength and beauty, so we can hold hands again and light the night sky together as one.
After that night, I became a witch. And so long I can fly at her side, I will never regret it."
(Boy, that ended up a lot longer than I intended)
last edited at Jul 31, 2021 5:53AM