Super secret bonus hint: It probably wasn't Nanoha.
Editor-san thought it was maybe Touhou, but I don't remember reading it.
Oh please god no. I hope she's wrong :(
To be quite honest, that would make a lot of sense. I rather expected the Knowledgeable Doujin Brigade to solve this in less than an hour, like they usually do. But nobody actually reads Touhou, so...
Another hint: It was definitely released before September 20th, this year. (I know these are probably just for me, but whatever, I'm determined now!)
Stupidly obvious edit: the doujin was most likely released in 2012, probably at C82.
Oh cool. If you finish the rest of that, I'll try to finish everything else before the year is over.
Timely reversal: Everything except Touhou
last edited at Dec 21, 2014 11:23AM