Forum › About a month of Ganyu and Keqing dating, part 4 discussion


joined Dec 30, 2018

I honestly can't wait for the Hu Tao, Yanfei, Xiangling, and the upcoming Yoimiya Harem. I just noticed how Hu Tao's shipped with the pyro waifus and Yoimiya will probably go in with the mix considering that there's a 'leak' of her voiceline where her butterfly necklace was given by Hu Tao herself (a person whom she dubbed as a 'important person' for her)

Why are pyro characters so gay

first we have amber x lumine then some pl ship diluc eith kaeya and then heres this

joined Dec 13, 2019

We seriously need more yantao fanart here :P

Yuri Yuriyuri
joined Aug 21, 2020

Hu Tao is so smooth.

joined Feb 8, 2019

Thank you Negom.

joined Mar 30, 2021

Second time reading,i just noticed that 'yeet' lol

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