Guess it's time for me to join the train and watch this anime
Oh. This is an interesting pairing
Really adorable
This is really good
The dog is hungry huh
How considerate of Aerith to give Tifa the best birthday gift possible.
Oh yeah. It's all coming together
I am loving this
Holy cow!!!
Childification :D
Lolicon Sakuya confirmed
I mean why going for a straight love triangle when the girls can just go gay and forget about anything else
gay panic
This is really wholesome
@V-Oblivion Considering the Black Snake is a immortal evil entity that has controlled and manipulated Ursus for thousands of years you could probably trace the vast majority of evil deeds all the way back to it.
last edited at May 4, 2021 9:32AM
“kill me baby”
Not a pussy boy
^I wonder if they are annoying when she walks or run
Cozy girlfriends
Wow lesbians
i cant believe the big bad was a faceless background character. what a good move that was
It's petting all the way down
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