Forum › Nanatsu Fuji discussion

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

It seems that other than Kimi wa Shoujo, this artist also made another series called "HaruYuri", which has two volumes:

joined May 25, 2019

Is this artist still alive. I wannt to know if he's okay what gender he has if he is doing well since i read a manga of him but not mor¿~¿

joined Jul 26, 2020

Is this artist still alive. I wannt to know if he's okay what gender he has if he is doing well since i read a manga of him but not mor¿~¿

I'm so glad to find someone else who feels the same,, after reading kimi wa shoujo, it really left a bittersweet feeling in my mouth. I really feel like they have a lot of potential :3

joined Jun 13, 2016

i am IN LOVE with this author THANK YOU helvetica scans for translating another one of their works, i havnt even read it yet but tHank YOU. Ive read kimi wa shoujo 3 times and each time i cried c'''':

joined Jun 13, 2016

i regret being excited in my previous comment :)))))))))
I feel like nanatsu fuji with that kanade manga was like, "imma fuck around and make whatever the f i want 8)" I mean u do u nanatsu fuji but imma pass after reading 5 chapters of this one thnx byye.

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