Lumine looks like she wants to kick Amber out of the room
That smile is so adorable Q.Q
^Or she's too nervous to say anything
God, Hollomaru is a Fate yuri blessing. Keep going
@beccamyoui same
The divorce party comes next!
i pretend i did not see this
My OTP~!
They gonna dock amirite
i love them
last edited at Feb 6, 2021 2:47AM
i missed nekomura's art so much
thank god
hell yeah
ayano deserves all the happiness in the world
that's fire
all we ever wanted
that's cute
No idea why I thought the cop was a sailor
Then you're out
There's never enough Tsubasa x Yukine in this world!
I hope we get some misaki x kuroko
Byleth Says "That's no good"
Every puzzle has an answer
-laugh track-
You're up
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