Forum › Hariko no Ura ha discussion

joined Oct 1, 2020

I feel like way too many doujins focus on Akyuu's impending death and completely leave out all the other fascinating parts of her personality, like her hilariously academic snark or her penchant for writing stories with OCs that are in fact thinly-veiled versions of her acquaintances. That being said, I like how proactive and direct Kosuzu was in reassuring her here. I do feel like this story veered neither too deep into angst and nor too deep into fluff to make an impression, but I suppose the daily swing between crippling depression and youthful enthusiasm is an integral part of Akyuu's routine.

joined Feb 28, 2015

Hell Yeah pretty cute Akyuu is great Kosuzu is grat I also feel AKyuu is aa really interesting character espeically in the books

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