first time seeing a Carole X Tuesday NSFW work and not disappointed but Cybelle... nah take this psycho away from my babies
Karin killed Kasumi in 6 words.
All Walls Must Fall
Lesbian sword fight?
^Noel: This is my wife Flare, our girlfeiend Marine, and Marine's girlfriend Rushia.
So cute! How I wish it was Canon.
lick lick lick slurp slurp slurp slobber lol!
2003 Hyundai Electra apart, when I saw the preview I thought bottom girl was Nozomi and I'm deliberately choosing to still see bottom girl as Nozomi
(though Nozomi is BigTop in my heart)
Legend says that's how lesbians uncovered the mystery of black holes
Sublime. I am gayer now.
And that is how you clam a pearl...err...pearl a clam...yep
well.. sorry to break it to you, but Jean and Barbara are siblings..
^ ah, my mistake. That one makes me mad too though...
I still haven't learned how to drive.
Like that's going to stop people shipping them^
Don't know if this is the stream they are talking about, but here Kiara confirms that in a hypothetical date she would be "quiet as hell" and Calli would have to take the lead Sounds like a Glass Cannon.
Ya'll do know that she can use her mouth?right?
people left, but the memories stay still
^^ "I don't see the problem...?" - Mochi Au Lait
Gon’ build that wall up to the sky Gon’ build that wall up to the sky Someday your bird is gonna fly
I prefer their innocent self... but well still love them either way~
Stop with the reminding... makes me :( just listen to their song... Ugh...
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