Forum › Masqureimu discussion

joined Jun 4, 2015

A Zounose book I haven't read, it's been a while.

I'll re read it several times for sure, but for the first go it seems Reimu is seen as the shrine maiden and herself as one, where someone like Sanae's self and role as shrine maiden can be seen separately. Yukari takes her own way (as always) to see what Reimu will do if she isn't burdened by the role that has taken over her self perceived by others. But then she goes and does her normal thing as always.

Ironically no one was eaten.

joined Jul 9, 2017

Great doujin work ever!

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

she's right you know

joined Dec 18, 2021

Always love these works that make you think about Gensokyo and its people. Theres always something more to any character than meets the eye. This was definitely one of the more interesting ideas. Reimu has essentially embodied being the Hakurei Miko that she really isnt anything else but the Hakurei Miko, she doesn't need training like Sanae when she was born with her powers rather than needing to learn them.. That scene with Yukari saying that Reimu works "As Intended" sent a chill up my spine.

joined Jul 21, 2021

I don't think Reimu
ought to be severed cleanly
into two beings.

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