we need this particular Parody as a tag.. lmao
Reirin Dec 7, 2018 11:35AM Yuri looks so weird in this.
nah.. she look pretty fine to me... or else, she look nice, ><
This is gonna be a no for me chief
This is a biig yes for me
Momma Asuka to the rescue(?)
hmmm.. this could be nice as a FanFics material, hmm....
huh?.. Parody? what Parody?, did i the only one that did not know this?,
Serenata Feb 6, 2019 10:39AM First time I encounter a manga with ships so good I can't even decide pick a favorite... Best I can do is top 3... wait no 4--5!!!
.. daaang~ you're screwed!, lmao
Y. E. S.
Y. E. E. E. S. !!
last edited at Jan 3, 2020 4:51PM
that expression on Asuka's face tho....
Congratulations. You played yourself.
who is that in Panel 7 ?? lmao
Norainhere May 18, 2019 9:26AM Shizuku ships it!
Y.E.S !!!
Moms??? this need an Asuka x Yoshida tag pairings then... lmao, anyway, Yoshida looks surprisingly nice in this dojin Art-Style..
Asuka x Yoshida
last edited at Jan 3, 2020 5:34PM
How to defeat Edelgard in two steps.
Warm feels
I'm rereading this right now.
Hard to say where this one would have gone
last edited at Jan 3, 2020 9:07PM
Not a fan of the pairing but the sky look beautiful.
20-20 vision
They even made live-action about this >< https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x73e6io
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