Well... I played the gay hacked version and with the help of magic had female Robin marry Lucina as oddly enough (maiden's laugher) Chrom married a man so Lucina is their daughter.
The fact that the one wearing a dress is the one giving the bridal lift is really nice actually. Anyone else agree?
^Same. They deserve more attention .
Oh. More is always welcomed.
I actually really wanted her to end up with Mimi, with Cocona as there daughter. I'm a bit sad that relationship just sort-of vanished.
With the help of magic and science yes. Salt is just too selfish and annoying.
Science babies are always welcome.
Finally it's here
That Aki reminds me of Aki Yamato from World Trigger. She's even called Aki too.
I so freaking love this. Also, it doesn't count as NTR as there is no canon. Plus, it's just hugging~
Is this for real or did Kai blackmail her again?
I love how Bort call Dia "Nii-san" in the anime while Dia goes with "Otouto", making it gayer.
Best couple from the best yuri VN
Yay for more science babies!
Seeing Finé like this is fine for me...
okay. I give up.
My childhood was all a lie. Dammit Christian teaching! I need to get back to childhood with a gay mind and yuri goggles max power.
I need a context...
Wait one minute. My heart is not ready yet.
I am always happy for more of this pairing.
This is hot and pleasant...
Since none of them said nohomo tag, it means they are really gay considering everything they've done.
Claudine becomes very angry if Maya does not fuck her..
oh, It would be great if Maya had an erection in this position
In order to truly satisfy Claudine, you need at least two Mayas.
It was a great anime so I'm glad it's finally here.
This is why we love YuriWhale.
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