Forum › Touhou Bomber Yeah! discussion

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Fun Bomberman parody, but it kinda ended weirdly. The perfect ending place would have been when Yuuka punched the bomb, the "rematch" section of about 2-3 pages feels extremely tacked on. It's like Tohonifun wrote the bomb punch scene, and then remembered "oh wait, Wriggle was supposed to win...".

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It was pretty obvious from the start the whole thing was meant to be a way for Wriggle to triumph over Yuuka and get a chance to bully her. But you know what? It's still pretty awesome.

joined Apr 10, 2013

No, master sparks but gloves! Fair enough~

I would have liked to see more of jealous Meiling though...

joined Nov 11, 2010

These sports-manga-like tournament parodies involving Touhou characters are always pretty fun. Some of the eliminations were somewhat unclear/confusing but it was pretty neat seeing how Tohonifun integrated Bomberman rules with various characters' abilities. The tag team pair-ups made me think of Touhou Tag Dream. Good read.

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