Forum › Kemono Friends Director Tatsuki: No Longer Working on the Anime (UPDATE 4)

joined May 23, 2015

You should probably double-check the translation before you start trying to analyze word usage like that.

Also re: that post from 4chan, this incident didn't really expose anything industry-wide like that. In fact, all of that stuff about production committee makeup, division of profits, and wages in the anime industry has been a relatively hot topic on the internet in Japan for months now, following a tv program that had a segment about the anime industry and showed a bunch of charts and graphs with all the details.

joined Apr 20, 2013

If I investigate too much I will be in danger too.

In a not so off topic news ... Grape Kun is...

and maybe way too soon

joined Oct 16, 2016

RIP Grape-kun. Kadokawa's assassins took him too soon.

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