Forum › RiriKuru – LIly LYriC CyCLE – Vol. 1 – Koigokoro Friends ENG translation

joined May 28, 2011

vol 1 of LIly LYriC CyCLE - 1 Love Friends. was translated, here is the link.

info: "The people over at 4chan board /u/ and Seiyuuri staff brings you the most adorable Yuri Drama CD series as of late! It’s very innocent and sweet and fluffy you’d go, “ANTS GO AWAY!” Because of all the fluff. I hope everyone enjoys this series as much as we, Seiyuuri duo, did! We have acquired permission from the kind /u/ anon who started translating this series and have done translate checking of his scripts to improve quality! Although a lot of versions might have come out, but please consider this as the final final version (with permission from translator, of course!) since three heads are definitely better than just one!"

joined Apr 27, 2013

It's cute. Fairly standard, but cute

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