Forum › Say the Word discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What fuckery is this?

Parsee belongs to Yuugi, dammit!

joined Nov 2, 2013

Odd pairing but I liked it a lott

joined Apr 10, 2013

So that's why it looked familiar. I saw this once, and the other work also.

When I saw Parsee, I automatically assumed that it was with Yuugi. I had to recheck if I clicked on it wrong or if I read it wrong lol.

joined Sep 5, 2011

Always love a good S&M story. ;3

joined Apr 14, 2013

This was interesting.........

joined Jan 6, 2014

The author doesn't really understand what is S&M are his/her-self, this is just regular sex

joined Mar 2, 2013

The author doesn't really understand what is S&M are his/her-self, this is just regular sex

I think they understand it to a certain extent but couldn't portray it well enough.

joined Sep 5, 2011

The author doesn't really understand what is S&M are his/her-self, this is just regular sex

It is quite subtle, but it does have Sadomasochistic elements. It just a matter of putting the elements in a proper order.

Curious as to what your definition of 'regular sex' is, though. ;p

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

lol yuuka no.2 vibes

joined Oct 25, 2010

Parsee x Satori are cute in their own unique way.

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