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joined Feb 5, 2013

Awww...that was nice to read...something different...

joined Feb 4, 2014


Glad you guys liked it, and for once not trying to figure out if all the characters are the same or not.

We have other series albeit nonyuri, but you might like it.

joined Nov 28, 2011

Glad you guys liked it, and for once not trying to figure out if all the characters are the same or not.

I lol'd. I can't wait for another round of "SHE APPEARS IN THIS ONESHOT TOO!" when a new one is out!

joined Nov 16, 2013

That hit me right to the feels. Crazy, i love Nishi Uko's work. So short but full of feelings.

joined Apr 19, 2013

Why does this have a non-moe art tag? It's moe!... imo...

THE FEELZ! >.<... If only I get lucky have have this kind of relationship... it's so sweet >.<

joined Feb 4, 2014

Why does this have a non-moe art tag? It's moe!... imo...

THE FEELZ! >.<... If only I get lucky have have this kind of relationship... it's so sweet >.<


joined Jun 12, 2014

I really enjoyed this one!:)

joined Feb 13, 2016

Why does this have a non-moe art tag? It's moe!... imo...

THE FEELZ! >.<... If only I get lucky have have this kind of relationship... it's so sweet >.<

Because the art isn't Moe. As in, they don't have ridiculously big, adorable eyes, and blushing faces all the time. Even if the story is Moe, the tag says "Non-Moe art."

joined Jul 23, 2020

it really portrayed what each and every couple goes through in just a few pages.
this is just so beautiful.

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