Lol she spent more for sayaka then the others xD
...aww xD
YUS A GIRL RONALD MCDONALD XDD...but like I am trying to figure out who the other girl ish :3
note taken
More correctly: Russian word: Я поняла Phonetic spelling: Ya ponyala o(><;)○
Can't nico nico nii your way out of this one
^^^ Colonel Sanders from KFC
I want to see them get married, even if its just playing around.
Is Sakamoto also having a lewd fantasy?
"shame and i wanted to **** her" comes to mind.
Kougi is amazing at doing ChikaRiko fanarts. Love to see them, all the time.
that HURTS goddamn ;_;
Kotori really knows how to get Umi's heart. Very smooth Kotori, very smooth.
There's a way to go about anal. :3 I personally love it and got my fiancee into it. C:
Oh my, I am a rule-following person, but I wouldn't mind breaking the rules by doing this~
Gurako nosebleed.
Woah nice art
Lovely, still waiting for doujinshis <3
i shipp it so hard <3
guys I think that's the president of Russia from the Sombra character trailer, the artist just made her black.
No, that's Symmetra, she is in her Vishkar skin.
this art is so familiar
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