Forum › Searching for 2 oneshots on dynasty

joined May 11, 2015

Hey there,

as the title says I'm currently searching for 2 oneshots I've read a long time ago on dynasty but can't remember the title anymore. Maybe someone knows them and can help me out.

1) Story is set in a catholic/religious school. The main character (MC) is somewhat of a delinquent but befriends a girl in this school who is blind. I think they meet over some kind of herbs or so in an old part of the school building. One day the blind girl undergoes surgeon to get her sight back. MC is afraid of loosing her, but everything turns out to an happy end.

2) MC is producing so much body heat she'll walk around without a coat in winter. Her friend (and the rest of her class) use this to warm themselves up. Her friend, the other MC seems to always be of low body temperature and to be cold easily. The "warm MC" is somewhat lonely, since in summer no one likes to be near her for her body heat. At a sleepover the "cold MC" askes her parents (as a joke?) if it would be ok to marry her.

Both stories are sfw if I remember correctly and they're both older.

That's all I remember. I really hope someone remembers those two stories and could help me out!

Thx :)

joined Dec 5, 2014

Here and here. :)

joined May 11, 2015


Thx! :)

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