Forum › Need help identifying a Shiznat doujin

joined Apr 15, 2011

As the subject suggest, I am looking for a particular Shiznat doujin. All I remember about it is that:
- it looks like it's drawn in pencil
- Natsuki and Shizuru are living together
- Natsuki sneaks off at night to perform with a band
- and it is definitely NSFW

Sorry for being vague, but any help identifying this doujin would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :-)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I have read all the Mai Hime doujins on the reader many times and I have never read that one. I can safely conclude that it ain't here.

That said, it sounds awesome.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I have read all the Mai Hime doujins on the reader many times and I have never read that one. I can safely conclude that it ain't here.

That said, it sounds awesome.

awww crud :-( I checked the reader out as well and was hoping I just overlooked it. I've read it in the past 2-3 times because the artwork looks life-like and to say it's amazing does not do it justice. anyways, thanks for confirming that it's not on the reader.

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