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joined Jan 13, 2016

Damn! 50 pages? Is that normal? What kind of topic is it about?

It's about the role of identity in humanistic psychotherapy. I'm trying to suggest, that therapists should generally pay a lot more mind to what the individual identifies as when it comes to therapy methods. In the paper, I explain my thoughts on that, present some theses and etc. And yeah, I think 50 pages is a pretty standard length for a paper of that kind. There are longer ones. xD

Cool. I think i also heard from some people that for their Master's they had to write as thick as books.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Cool. I think i also heard from some people that for their Master's they had to write as thick as books.

For my MA, I had a minimum of 25 pages. PhD was harder, especially the one in sociology. 40 pages. A fellow student handed one in with 38 pages, which lead to the work not getting recognized and thus not getting graded. >_< Uni is a strict place, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Cool. I think i also heard from some people that for their Master's they had to write as thick as books.

For my MA, I had a minimum of 25 pages. PhD was harder, especially the one in sociology. 40 pages. A fellow student handed one in with 38 pages, which lead to the work not getting recognized and thus not getting graded. >_< Uni is a strict place, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

That is tough. Are PhD students required to publish some books?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Are PhD students required to publish some books?

How did you get this idea? xD I mean, I've never heard from anywhere, that you need to become an author to get your PhD.

last edited at May 28, 2016 6:50AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Nez, what's the SCA? That's nice that you got more into cooking with friends :) I have friends from around globe that I met in college and they would get homesick and cook a lot of the things they missed, and that's when my own repetoire expanded beyond what I'd learned from my parents.

Later on, I had a rather....dependent girlfriend (who I now refer to as The Parasite),

She sounds like a real charmer...

in a coffee shop where I learned the zen of biscuits.

Can I please have your biscuit recipe? :D

last edited at May 28, 2016 7:38AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Are PhD students required to publish some books?

How did you get this idea? xD I mean, I've never heard from anywhere, that you need to become an author to get your PhD.

For sure it's not always the case, and I don't know anybody that was required to publish a book, but it's not uncommon to be expected to publish articles in journals. Pretty much everybody I know out of an R1 university was expected to publish, or they wouldn't be considered ready to graduate.

joined Apr 3, 2016

For sure it's not always the case, and I don't know anybody that was required to publish a book, but it's not uncommon to be expected to publish articles in journals. Pretty much everybody I know out of an R1 university was expected to publish, or they wouldn't be considered ready to graduate.

Publishing an article in a journal is an entirely different deal than writing a book though. xD In Germany, there is no such pressure to make yourself known to the public in that way. However, while it's not a requirement to graduate, once you do get your PhD, it's somewhat an unwritten code of honor to contribute to the research of that field (which is the main reason I wrote that term paper. xD) Bachelors and Masters don't have to do that yet (although it'll greatly boost their reputation among their peers if they do), but once you're a Doctor and you don't contribute at all to your field...well, expect your colleagues to frown at you at gatherings of any sort. And trust me, a bad rep travels fast over here. >_<

last edited at May 28, 2016 9:23AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Publishing an article in a journal is an entirely different deal than writing a book though. xD In Germany, there is no such pressure to make yourself known to the public in that way. However, while it's not a requirement to graduate, once you do get your PhD, it's somewhat an unwritten code of honor to contribute to the research of that field (which is the main reason I wrote that term paper. xD) Bachelors and Masters don't have to do that yet (although it'll greatly boost their reputation among their peers if they do), but once you're a Doctor and you don't contribute at all to your field...well, expect your colleagues to frown at you at gatherings of any sort. And trust me, a bad rep travels fast over here. >_<

Yeah here it also depends on what you're doing with the degree. If you go into industry afterward, there's hardly ever an expectation that you need to write for journals, but for those looking to pursue an academic career there's high expectation that they'll publish on a regular basis. I know I disappointed a lot of the people I admire most when I decided not to pursue a doctorate, but I think regardless of academic ability, anybody that takes that path has to have the right passion and conviction, which I feel like I never had. Ah well, happy little writer now and go about things as I please :)

joined Jan 4, 2016

Nezchan you had me at "artisan home baked bread" now you bring in biscuits. that's all I need in life ⋆ ᴗ ⋆.

Hi everyone

last edited at May 28, 2016 11:05AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Nezchan you had me at "artisan home made bread" now you bring in biscuits. that's all I need in life ⋆ ᴗ ⋆.

Ikr o.o

Hi everyone

Yo, gato / waves / How was your evening? What type of whiskey?

joined Apr 3, 2016

If you go into industry afterward, there's hardly ever an expectation that you need to write for journals

See, I think that's where Germans are a bit stricter. They don't really care what you do with your doctor title after you get it, but it's like having aqcuired that title seems to bind you to a duty to try to actively contribute to your field. I'm hardly a practicing psychologist, but since I have a PhD in it, I learned from a kind peer in Hamburg (that gathering I mentioned a while ago, where the old folks refused to acknowledge me), that I should nonetheless try, just to make sure I won't get blackballed as a lazy bum, who has no actual interest in the field and thus doesn't deserve to get any recognition. I'm not sure how far such a reputation can actually spread or what kind of relations and connections play a role, but since I'm a pretty public person, I admit I don't have the guts to take the risk. Anyway. /sighs/ I finished writing it. Now all that's left to do is send it to the professors at my alma mater and see what they think. If I'm lucky, maybe a few things I mention are actually gonna get picked up.

Meghan Trainor's "No" has been stuck in my head for 3 days now and it just doesn't go away. I don't even like the song. >_<

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez, what's the SCA? That's nice that you got more into cooking with friends :) I have friends from around globe that I met in college and they would get homesick and cook a lot of the things they missed, and that's when my own repetoire expanded beyond what I'd learned from my parents.

SCA is Society for Creative Anachronism, an international medieval recreation group. There are chapters all over the place, and it dates back to the 60's. The basic concept is to recreate all the good bits of the (mostly European, but the scope has widened a lot over the years) middle ages, but without the wars, plague, famines and rampant sexism of the era. Fighting, dancing, feasting, calligraphy, costuming, brewing, etc. are all really big things.

The group I was with. Seashire (now the Barony of Ruantallan) was known for having excellent cooks, plus a few top-notch artisans.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Nezchan you had me at "artisan home made bread" now you bring in biscuits. that's all I need in life ⋆ ᴗ ⋆.

Ikr o.o

Hi everyone

Yo, gato / waves / How was your evening?

Hey dofu ummm So my friend was on the rebound sooooo there was a lot of shots. Smh

What type of whiskey?

Bowmore, at least the first few shots. XD

What's your weekend looking like?

last edited at May 28, 2016 11:49AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

SCA is Society for Creative Anachronism, an international medieval recreation group. There are chapters all over the place, and it dates back to the 60's. The basic concept is to recreate all the good bits of the (mostly European, but the scope has widened a lot over the years) middle ages,

Sounds like fun :)

but without the wars, plague, famines and rampant sexism of the era.

Never took a particular interest in the middle ages, and I think this might be one of the reasons why lol, good to omit a few things.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nezchan you had me at "artisan home baked bread" now you bring in biscuits. that's all I need in life ⋆ ᴗ ⋆.

Hi everyone

The only big plan, food-wise, for the weekend is slow roasted pork loin. I'll probably make a sweet Memphis rub for it. Otherwise, nothing too special planned. Can't use the barbecue since it's stuck in the garage while the siding and exterior insulation is being done.

Main plans are a bit of light gardening and hopefully getting some writing done. Starting a silly little romance story about an immortal to give my brain a break between drafts of the silly little romance story about a Goddess, while I wait for the silly little romance story about a robot to be critiqued.

I'm sensing a theme with my work.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yo, gato / waves / How was your evening?

Hey dofu ummm So my friend was on the rebound sooooo there was a lot of shots. Smh

Well were you the rebound or were you just moral support lol. Shots don't fix anything of that sort, but usually at the time it seems like a great idea, so I get it haha.

What type of whiskey?

Bowmore, at least the first few shots. XD

Oo you were hitting the malt whiskey. I prefer rye :)

What's your weekend looking like?

Last night we had a few friends over and did a huge layout of stuff to put into bao (steamed buns). Pork belly, broiled eel, rolled omelets, crispy chicken, and lots of greens and pickled things. It was great a great time :) Kanojo's best friend was there and she's never really been the warmest with me, but I think now she's resigned to the idea that she's stuck with me in her life and is trying to get along more lol.

Today it's just a lazy day with kanojo for the most part :) Out to play a little basketball later but that's about it. Game 6 of the Warriors vs Thunder tonight, so we're really nervous about that :|

Tomorrow we're going to a barbecue at kanojo's parents home so ya know that can go perfectly fine or her sister and mom will have another blowout and we'll carefully try to tiptoe away from the situation lol...

joined Feb 8, 2016

Main plans are a bit of light gardening and hopefully getting some writing done. Starting a silly little romance story about an immortal to give my brain a break between drafts of the silly little romance story about a Goddess, while I wait for the silly little romance story about a robot to be critiqued.

I'm sensing a theme with my work.

Should we rename you to "Silly Little Nez"?

joined Apr 3, 2016

I'll just laze around, watch some TV, wait until the last bits of my gastritis finally wear off. Su gets transferred tomorrow, so I'll start packing some of her stuff later. I'm glad that I can be the one to drive her there tomorrow afternoon. Haven't seen her for too long already.

last edited at May 28, 2016 12:05PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

Nezchan you had me at "artisan home baked bread" now you bring in biscuits. that's all I need in life ⋆ ᴗ ⋆.

Hi everyone

The only big plan, food-wise, for the weekend is slow roasted pork loin. I'll probably make a sweet Memphis rub for it. Otherwise, nothing too special planned. Can't use the barbecue since it's stuck in the garage while the siding and exterior insulation is being done.

So what time should I be over? XD

Main plans are a bit of light gardening and hopefully getting some writing done. Starting a silly little romance story about an immortal to give my brain a break between drafts of the silly little romance story about a Goddess, while I wait for the silly little romance story about a robot to be critiqued.

I'm sensing a theme with my work.

sounds like a very relaxing agenda.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'll just laze around, watch some TV, wait until the last bits of my gastritis finally wear off. Su gets transferred tomorrow, so I'll start packing some of her stuff later. I'm glad that I can be the one to drive her there tomorrow afternoon. Haven't seen her for too long already.

I know you laid out her schedule at some point, but where's Su heading now? Great that you're getting some time in with her, must be stressful going so long without her around :(

joined Apr 3, 2016

but where's Su heading now?

She's going to spend 3 weeks in the cardio rehab clinic in Rüdersdorf, which is about 30 kilometers away from Berlin. She's been absolutely excited about it ever since she got hospitalized, since over there she won't be bound to a single room most of the day.

Great that you're getting some time in with her, must be stressful going so long without her around :(

It really is. I miss her terribly. Dx But honestly, after she told me there was a chance she could have died if she'd have hesitated to see her doc, after knowing there was a higher chance she could have died during the transplantation since she wasn't in her best shape yet, I'm still just happy she's here and she's fine. I was scared like I never was before on that day. ^_^;

last edited at May 28, 2016 12:29PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

She's going to spend 3 weeks in the cardio rehab clinic in Rüdersdorf, which is about 30 kilometers away from Berlin. She's been absolutely excited about it ever since she got hospitalized, since over there she won't be bound to a single room most of the day.

Good :) Su doesn't seems a bit too outdoorsy to tolerate a little hospital room for long.

It really is. I miss her terribly. Dx But honestly, after she told me there was a chance she could have died if she'd have hesitated to see her doc, after knowing there was a higher chance she could have died during the transplantation since she wasn't in her best shape yet, I'm still just happy she's here and she's fine. I was scared like I never was before on that day. ^_^;

Yeah a healthy dose of perspective can help you cope, but at the end of the day it's still hard not having her around. All in due time :)

joined Apr 3, 2016

This is the place where she's going. On the website, it says that apart from the rehab schedule the patients are required to go through every day, they offer a large variety of free time activities, such as "a large, tranquil park with over 300 different kinds of trees and flowers as well as a pond to enjoy the sight of fish and ducks during a calming walk. Volleyball, basketball and tennis fields as well as several opportunities for indoor sports, such as ping pong, squash and a small gym for those who want and should get active and a new, still small library with a not yet too large variety of books, which hopefully will still be enough to offer something for the creative minds. There are also several spacious community rooms offering TVs, board games and card games for everyone, who enjoys meeting new people." With a description like that, I'm afraid she's gonna want to move in there. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Good :) Su doesn't seems a bit too outdoorsy to tolerate a little hospital room for long.

With her, it's the same with most people: it depends on the season and weather. xD During summer and spring, she usually loves to go out and just do stuff and meet people. Once the weather gets cold and unpleasant though, she turns into a couch potato. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

With a description like that, I'm afraid she's gonna want to move in there. xD

Well if there's any concern you could just remind her where the most important recreational activity resides :P

With her, it's the same with most people: it depends on the season and weather. xD During summer and spring, she usually loves to go out and just do stuff and meet people. Once the weather gets cold and unpleasant though, she turns into a couch potato. xD

I'm with her there. When it's warm I want to be out and about and then once it's cold all I want to do is heat up the blankets in the dryer and hide.

Speaking of out and about, time for hoops and icecream (or at least I plan to detour us in the direction of icecream...)! Take care, everyone.

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