Forum › Username change?

joined Feb 16, 2015


I was just wondering if it was possible for me to change my username without having to create a new account and going through the whole email change story.

joined Jan 8, 2016

I recommend BoatyMcBoatFace

joined Feb 16, 2015

I recommend BoatyMcBoatFace

Thanks for the outstanding recommendation but I was kind of hoping to see a mod respond to this.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I passed the info on to Omniscient not long after you posted, it'll have to wait until he gets back to you.

joined Feb 16, 2015

I passed the info on to Omniscient not long after you posted, it'll have to wait until he gets back to you.

Awesome, thank you! I didn't mean to be inpatient I just wasn't sure if someone saw it since this forum is very active.

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