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joined Sep 15, 2015

Kuudere is pretty much like Aihara Mei in Citrus :>

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:01PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

haha, yeah, but Aihara Mei is not that realistic or someone you would actually want to be around irl. Other than that, generally you would want to be around any of those and none of them are super realistic. I mean yeah, err... basically you get those 'dere' types by overexagerating certain things... I guess
there is a song by Luka and it probably means to stress the issue of creating these characters have no real basis other than being "moe"
Secret by Luka
or maybe it doesn't mean any of that >.>

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:10PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Lol Faylicia
Going as far as being around someone labeled in 'Dere-dere' types would be too much. One way or another, irl you know we all have characteristics of deres. You can't just have one. Otherwise, you wont be a real person.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:13PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

joined May 11, 2012


You'll know when you look them in the eye. If they can't look straight at you, they're lying or insincere. Simple trick ;)

I have to disagree, good liars and insincere people will look straight at your eyes and you'll never suspect them.

I noticed you're not putting other usernames in bold, so have a look at this thread to learn how to do it and some other things

How is Suzuma doing?

Geez I stay out for a few hours and you girls add almost 10 pages of posts, no brakes as always.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:28PM

joined Sep 15, 2015


You'll know when you look them in the eye. If they can't look straight at you, they're lying or insincere. Simple trick ;)

I have to disagree, good liars and insincere people will look straight at your eyes and you'll never suspect them.

If you're not good at it, then you probably can't tell. If you're used to it, then it's easy. ;)

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh, look !! We're in my page !! 101 !!

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

Lol yeah it wouldn't be as much fun with my family XD I'm not sure how long we will stay there since we still need another person so that no one gets left out on the rides hahaha

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

Lol yeah it wouldn't be as much fun with my family XD I'm not sure how long we will stay there since we still need another person so that no one gets left out on the rides hahaha

Bring your awkward ex !! Lol. Or your girlfriend-to-be xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

oooohh~~ I went to the one in Tokyo and I had to wait 3 hours for one of the rides -.- I dieeeeeddddd, aahahahha, oh right! that was not disney land, it was disney sea, well whatever :P I went to both XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

Lol yeah it wouldn't be as much fun with my family XD I'm not sure how long we will stay there since we still need another person so that no one gets left out on the rides hahaha

Bring your awkward ex !! Lol. Or your girlfriend-to-be xD

Oh gosh I would never bring my ex! Although I'm sure he would jump at the chance to go XD and who is my girlfriend-to-be?? Did we discuss this and I just missed it hahaha

joined Mar 17, 2016

oooohh~~ I went to the one in Tokyo and I had to wait 3 hours for one of the rides -.- I dieeeeeddddd, aahahahha, oh right! that was not disney land, it was disney sea, well whatever :P I went to both XD

Yeah when I went to the one in Cali a couple years ago they had just opened the Cars ride and the wait time was like 3 hours lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

Lol yeah it wouldn't be as much fun with my family XD I'm not sure how long we will stay there since we still need another person so that no one gets left out on the rides hahaha

Bring your awkward ex !! Lol. Or your girlfriend-to-be xD

Oh gosh I would never bring my ex! Although I'm sure he would jump at the chance to go XD and who is my girlfriend-to-be?? Did we discuss this and I just missed it hahaha

Well if you just happen to have a girlfriend-to-be then that would be great xD
Or maybe just bring your sister with you xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh such big words KitKat lol
Oh and I might go to disneyland in September! Woohoo!

Dang it. I wanna go there too~~
Me want to tag along xD

Hahahaha well we need one more person to go so that we have an even amount of people

Are you going there with your friends ?? Or with family ?? Lol

Friends lol

Family XD
It's gonna be a disaster if you went with family lol
How long are you staying in Disneyland ??

Lol yeah it wouldn't be as much fun with my family XD I'm not sure how long we will stay there since we still need another person so that no one gets left out on the rides hahaha

Bring your awkward ex !! Lol. Or your girlfriend-to-be xD

Oh gosh I would never bring my ex! Although I'm sure he would jump at the chance to go XD and who is my girlfriend-to-be?? Did we discuss this and I just missed it hahaha

Well if you just happen to have a girlfriend-to-be then that would be great xD
Or maybe just bring your sister with you xD

Hahaha I don't have a girlfriend to be, at least that I know of XD and I'm so not bringing my sister!! She will complain the whole time XD

joined May 11, 2012


If you're not good at it, then you probably can't tell. If you're used to it, then it's easy. ;)

More like if you can tell they're lying then they're the ones that are not good enough at it, there's always people who will fool you even if you have experience at knowing when someone is lying or not or when they're being insincere.

I have to agree with KitKat101, if you're going to Dinesyland it might be a good idea to take your girlfriend-to-be or just a girl you have interest, or guy, or whatever you like, it's good to get some relationship points whenever you can.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:58PM

joined Sep 15, 2015


If you're not good at it, then you probably can't tell. If you're used to it, then it's easy. ;)

More like if you can tell they're lying then they're the ones that are not good enough at it, there's always people who will fool you even if you have experience at knowing when someone is lying or not or when they're being insincere.

More like people will fool you if you let them fool you.


Hahaha I don't have a girlfriend to be, at least that I know of XD and I'm so not bringing my sister!! She will complain the whole time XD

You still have like 5 months tops to find a girlfriend-to-be !! At least even for that day only xD

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 2:13PM

joined May 11, 2012

I get what you mean, but it doesn't matter how much experience you have, there will always have people who will be better at lying than you are at knowing when they're lying, sometimes it just happens that you're lucky enough to not have to deal with them.

Also, 5 months? You can take just one person with you? Cause you can always take one or two more and make it nice with everyone, it's nice to have options... Guess that's not something nice to say right? xD

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 2:17PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Woooo we reached 100 pages! Yayay.

now watch me troll and delete all my comments buahahahah >:D

joined Mar 8, 2014

Woooo we reached 100 pages! Yayay.

now watch me troll and delete all my comments buahahahah >:D

hahahahahahahahahaha, that'd be so funny, LOL

joined Mar 8, 2014

me doodling random stuff instead of working >.>

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 2:29PM

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