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joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah I would hope anyone wouldn't feel pressured to talk on Skype! It was just another way to talk, however we talk on here so much more so this is actually a lot more convenient.

Also that story about the Alpaca was awesome haha KitKat I posted the link further up on the page

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 4:20PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ladies..have you watched Jenny's Wedding ??

joined Sep 15, 2015

Yeah I would hope anyone wouldn't feel pressured to talk on Skype! It was just another way to talk, however we talk on here so much more so this is actually a lot more convenient.

Also that story about the Alpaca was awesome haha KitKat I posted the link further up on the page

I'll try to take a look at that link. Lol
Can't believe I missed something again when I'm here using my fone all day. Lol
And I heard you guys feel a bit awkward in skype. Don't be so stiff XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 4:22PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah I would hope anyone wouldn't feel pressured to talk on Skype! It was just another way to talk, however we talk on here so much more so this is actually a lot more convenient.

Also that story about the Alpaca was awesome haha KitKat I posted the link further up on the page

I'll try to take a look at that link. Lol
Can't believe I missed something again when I'm here using my fone all day. Lol
And I heard you guys feel a bit awkward in skype. Don't be so stiff XD

Lol well when Newp, Faylicia and I talked we didn't use video, I'm not sure if everyone knows that..

joined Sep 15, 2015

Yeah I would hope anyone wouldn't feel pressured to talk on Skype! It was just another way to talk, however we talk on here so much more so this is actually a lot more convenient.

Also that story about the Alpaca was awesome haha KitKat I posted the link further up on the page

I'll try to take a look at that link. Lol
Can't believe I missed something again when I'm here using my fone all day. Lol
And I heard you guys feel a bit awkward in skype. Don't be so stiff XD

Lol well when Newp, Faylicia and I talked we didn't use video, I'm not sure if everyone knows that..

Newp & I don't use video tho. We just chat too xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Ladies..have you watched Jenny's Wedding ??

No, but I just watched the trailer and all I see is that Izzie and Rory are gay for each other.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ladies..have you watched Jenny's Wedding ??

No, but I just watched the trailer and all I see is that Izzie and Rory are gay for each other.

Watching it right now. Hoping nobody gets shot and die a lesbian in this movie xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Ladies..have you watched Jenny's Wedding ??

No, but I just watched the trailer and all I see is that Izzie and Rory are gay for each other.

Watching it right now. Hoping nobody gets shot and die a lesbian in this movie xD

Hahaha I haven't watched it because no one I knew watched it first and told me if it was good, but I'm hoping it's not like any other lesbian movie or show where something terrible happens.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ladies..have you watched Jenny's Wedding ??

No, but I just watched the trailer and all I see is that Izzie and Rory are gay for each other.

Watching it right now. Hoping nobody gets shot and die a lesbian in this movie xD

Hahaha I haven't watched it because no one I knew watched it first and told me if it was good, but I'm hoping it's not like any other lesbian movie or show where something terrible happens.

I don't think that's gonna happen. It's not a tragic love story anyways. It's just drama and they haven't kissed yet xD

joined Jul 27, 2015

I'm personally trying to avoid it. Kind of done with lesbian movies after "But I'm a cheerleader" and "D.E.B.S."... although Lucy Diamond is freakin hawt. o.o

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 4:39PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I'm personally trying to avoid it. Kind of done with lesbian movies after "But I'm a cheerleader" and "D.E.B.S."... although Lucy Diamond is freakin hawt. o.o

Lucy Diamond is totally hot lol, I kind of haven't been into lesbian movies lately because they just aren't done very well. At least in my opinion lol and then all the lesbians on tv end up being killed so that also sucks..

joined Feb 13, 2016

There are so many movies in my list to watch, but lately I always end up falling asleep in the middle of it. xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Aaaaaand they kissed. XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

I'm personally trying to avoid it. Kind of done with lesbian movies after "But I'm a cheerleader" and "D.E.B.S."... although Lucy Diamond is freakin hawt. o.o

Lucy Diamond is totally hot lol, I kind of haven't been into lesbian movies lately because they just aren't done very well. At least in my opinion lol and then all the lesbians on tv end up being killed so that also sucks..

Haven't watched that many lesbian movies or tv shows. This will be my 2nd time watching a lesbian movie. The first one's Carol. And this.

joined Jul 27, 2015

I kind of haven't been into lesbian movies lately because they just aren't done very well. At least in my opinion lol and then all the lesbians on tv end up being killed so that also sucks..

Same reason why I've been avoiding them lately. And why I'm also kinda done with the L-word and Rookie Blue. It really isn't much better. sighs I mean, seriously. It's like people just are unable to grasp the idea that lesbians are just perfectly normal people. I get up in the morning, eat breakfast, walk the dog, feed the cat, go to work, get home, eat dinner with the wifey and etc. etc. A bunch of normal stuff. Except for the fact that I come home to snuggle and fall asleep in the arms of someone who happens to be a woman instead of a man, my life is pretty much perfectly the same as that of any straight person. But somehow, filmmakers just seem to insist that there has to be more drama and more intense love and all this forbidden love and "OMG I'm gay!? le gasp" bullshit in there, cause, I dunno...cookies? For once, really just for once, I'd love to see a movie about a lesbian couple, that has to deal with actual lesbian couple problems. For instance:

  • Telling off guys who ask you for a threesome.
  • Convincing the 'rents that no, it's not just a phase and you've already graduated and yes, you really are gay.
  • Trying to stay smooth and sexy after you fail at opening your GFs bra, because who the fuck keeps inventing new clasps for them!?
  • Not trying to lose your shit when people go " (OAO) But you're so feminine and so pretty! You don't look gay at all?"

And my personal favorite:

  • Yes, people. I'm dating a woman. But I don't hate men. I actually like them. Bisexuality. It exists. And no. It's not because I can't decide.

THAT, ladies, would be a movie I'd watch. Because I could relate to it. v.v

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 4:59PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I'm personally trying to avoid it. Kind of done with lesbian movies after "But I'm a cheerleader" and "D.E.B.S."... although Lucy Diamond is freakin hawt. o.o

Lucy Diamond is totally hot lol, I kind of haven't been into lesbian movies lately because they just aren't done very well. At least in my opinion lol and then all the lesbians on tv end up being killed so that also sucks..

Haven't watched that many lesbian movies or tv shows. This will be my 2nd time watching a lesbian movie. The first one's Carol. And this.

I still haven't watched Carol lol I seriously suck at watching movies, I'm either like Azai and fall asleep in the middle of it or I end up doing so many things in the middle of it that I just miss the whole movie. It's somewhat easier for me to watch tv shows because they aren't as long lol but I still can't commit to one XD

Lmao Suz the bra one XD but yeah I would rather see movies like that. A lot of them now are just poorly scripted and not many can relate too.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 5:03PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

I totally agree there. For once, I'd like to see a movie with a really humble but well done plot - nothing epic or too dramatic - about a couple in love that happens to be lesbians. Simple as that. Just the everyday struggles, like you said. And I would highlight the statement about not hating men and declining threesome

joined Sep 15, 2015

I'm personally trying to avoid it. Kind of done with lesbian movies after "But I'm a cheerleader" and "D.E.B.S."... although Lucy Diamond is freakin hawt. o.o

Lucy Diamond is totally hot lol, I kind of haven't been into lesbian movies lately because they just aren't done very well. At least in my opinion lol and then all the lesbians on tv end up being killed so that also sucks..

Haven't watched that many lesbian movies or tv shows. This will be my 2nd time watching a lesbian movie. The first one's Carol. And this.

I still haven't watched Carol lol I seriously suck at watching movies, I'm either like Azai and fall asleep in the middle of it or I end up doing so many things in the middle of it that I just miss the whole movie. It's somewhat easier for me to watch tv shows because they aren't as long lol but I still can't commit to one XD

Yea. Personally I wouldn't want to watch a movie at home since I sleep halfway through the movie and I easily get distracted like now. Lol So I'd rather watch it in the cinemas so I can put my whole attention to the movie and see all of it. Otherwise, I'll just keep looking at my phone. :>

joined Sep 15, 2015

The bra thing is soooo true. It always get in the way. Lol. So you ladies probably want some fluffy movie and more realistic one than the ones full of drama xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

What kind of music you listen to? Anyone here into indie/rock to recommend some?

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah I need to be at the cinemas in order to not fall asleep during a movie lol, and I don't mind movies that have drama however I would rather it not be over the top drama that makes me roll my eyes XD
And side note: I'm now in a really hyper mood for some reason and I've started singing at work XP

I don't really listen to any of that music enough to recommend anything, however I am open to just about any type of music.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 5:19PM

joined Feb 13, 2016


I don't really listen to any of that music enough to recommend anything, however I am open to just about any type of music.

oh, I also listen to other genres, but I figured out I want to hear some indie/rock right now. I'm going to look for some new songs.

joined Sep 15, 2015

I pretty much like almost every song. Just not country or pure rap song. Lol

What were you singing ?? You in a good mood ?? Last time you're at work you were mad, upset, and furious about your manager XD

joined Mar 17, 2016


I don't really listen to any of that music enough to recommend anything, however I am open to just about any type of music.

oh, I also listen to other genres, but I figured out I want to hear some indie/rock right now. I'm going to look for some new songs.

If you find any good ones you should let me know so I can listen to them, right now I've been listening to way too much kpop and I need a new genre lol

Lol I'm in a very good mood today, mainly because one of my favorite co-workers is here today so I'm never bored around her. But I was singing "swing low sweet chariot" and there is this one hold music that we have to listen to whenever we call a certain store, we call it the pear song because the lyrics are "Pears, pears, pears, pears good things come in USA pears" XD it's so random but it gets stuck in my head

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 5:34PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

What kind of music you listen to? Anyone here into indie/rock to recommend some?

I listen to pretty much everything, really. I'm just really bad at distinguishing genres. XD Like I can tell Rock from Rap and I can also distinguish Metal from Hard Rock. But I have no idea what Indie is, actually. I also don't know what Grunge and Brostep and Deep House is, for instance. Though I'm pretty sure I have these genres somewhere in my files as well. XD

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