Those who have a significant other, does your partner get angry if you chat with girls here?
why would she? it's not like she's flirting with anyone O_O
Some people can be very jealous.
I'm very jealous but not like that... gosh... you might as well shut yourself in your house with no internet and no friends if you partner is that jealous you're better of dumping them >.>
unless you spend all day on forums and ignore your gf... but that sounds more like an addiction to the internet or sth... gosh... you just reminded me of this jerk who was addicted to ffxiv... so annoying, thought she knew everything -.-
Really? I think jealousy is cute as long as no violence involved. It only shows that the person really loves you a lot.
no! that much jealousy is crazy! come on... you go out with your friends at a party and she'll be like "no, you're not going anywhere you're staying at home or else we're done" seriously...? I don't want that... I wouldn't wanna take my gf everywhere I go... Like gosh I'd understand if she got jealous if I slept over at some girl's house and slept on the same bed and it was a single bed... but even if I had no choice it'd do it... I'm straight for most girls anyway... like, her feeling jealous is kinda gross when I see my friend like my sister for example... I'd get it... like I wouldn't get mad at her but it's not like I'd just do whatever she says. If I fawned over a celebrity I'd understand her getting jealous but this is dumb... like when show 0 interest in someone why would she even get jealous? -.- I kind of think Eminem is attractive for example, well I would never comment on that, especially if I'm dating a girl... and if I did I'd be careful about how I phrase it.
Something a lot of men say that annoys me though is "why are you jealous? it's not like he has any chance of cheating on you!" that's not the point, ok?! it's not like cheating is the magic button that ends the relationship. If a guy is fawning over other girls instead of you, obviously you don't feel like you're wanted and you don't feel like you're enough... I think I can deal with a guy watching porn (maybe) but him having a favorite porn actress and looking her up and stuff is disgusting and I don't even... ugh! Also I'm kind of skeptical about supporting the industry in any way... but ok, some people might be happy that way! who knows?! I certainly don't get it >.>
If I'm with a girl I'd rather she didn't watch porn though because that's one reason I'd prefer a girl! and other but I mean >.> but apparently a lot of girls do watch it... I always think it's kind of gross to see people doing that... I guess we need some people in the animation industry to make 3d porn... >.> no, I won't be the one doing that! >.<
last edited at Apr 5, 2016 11:33AM