Forum › Wriggle Vs. SDM discussion

joined Feb 28, 2015

'This girl's radiance hurt me more than the sun.'
This part got me and to me a Wriggle lover I loved this dj. But I kinda curious about something. When and from where Remilia came Gensokyo or was she a residence of Gensokyo from start?

joined Jan 13, 2015

'This girl's radiance hurt me more than the sun.'
This part got me and to me a Wriggle lover I loved this dj. But I kinda curious about something. When and from where Remilia came Gensokyo or was she a residence of Gensokyo from start?

Remilia most likely came from somewhere in Europe seeing her clothing and the architecture of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. But she definitively came from the outside world.

Disgruntled Farmer Tenshi
joined Mar 8, 2017

Okay this whole doujin is really really good but I just want to point out that first interaction with Patchy and Koa, because when Koakuma plays dead, Patchouli actually checks her pulse first, and then thinks she's dead. So Koakuma actually temporarily stopped her own heart for a prank, and without magic too, apparently. Absolute OG.

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