Fluttering Feelings Summer Trip part 4
direct link: http://s5.postimg.org/8l7393hqt/image.jpg other link: http://postimg.org/image/rqaciuwer/ link to gallery: http://postimg.org/gallery/xn32fxlw/ link on Sanctuary: http://sanctuary-for-strange-people.tumblr.com/post/129061611155/fluttering-feelings-summer-trip-part-1-2-3-4
last edited at Sep 14, 2015 4:17AM
As always, thanks, Alextasha, moonfrost13 and Ck!
Just a friendly reminder:
This comic hasn't been translated yet:
怦然心情小剧场 From Chapter 3 by Geedsai: http://s14.postimg.org/sk0li0kkx/6b408e21gw1et94qzey7gj20ge5k5tqa.jpg
Source: http://tw.weibo.com/geedsai/3855374694346449 It is the 6th image in that "batch". http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/6b408e21gw1et94qzey7gj20ge5k5tqa.jpg
Originally posted in this post.
last edited at Sep 14, 2015 8:42PM
it's been translated (on page 2 in this topic) ;) I will do TS later but not to color version (because of image size differences)
Ahh, I see. Thanks for the info!
Fluttering Feelings Summer Trip part 5 (last?)
direct link: http://s5.postimg.org/u6c7q7313/image.jpg other link: http://postimg.org/image/62lg1wkk3/ link to gallery: http://postimg.org/gallery/xn32fxlw/ link on Sanctuary: http://sanctuary-for-strange-people.tumblr.com/post/129147130755/fluttering-feelings-summer-trip-part-1-2-3-4
last edited at Sep 15, 2015 10:28AM
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