Forum › MESSENGER discussion

joined Jun 21, 2013

I swear, with every doujin, short or long, my love for this pairing just grows.

I enjoyed every interaction between Ymir and Christa, especially the lake scene. It may sound cliche, but this comic gives off a very twisted, ruin your childhood, Beauty and the Beast vibe, some of the doujins feel that way to me, but this one was really out there. Maybe it's just me, I dunno. But what I do know was when I finally reached those last two pages I almost died. That was just adorable seeing a little Christia on Titan Ymir' knee. So much....adorableness >.<

Seriously though, this is the best YmirxChrista I've read so far. ;w;

joined Apr 10, 2013

Ah... When I saw Christa X Ymir tag, I skipped all of my readings and immediately read it...

joined Apr 10, 2013

I really wish that they'd have a happy end...

joined Mar 2, 2013

I really wish that they'd have a happy end...

Well SnK is nowhere near done and by the looks of how much of a fuss Ymir is kicking up she cares enough about her to protect herself and Christa we should all hope for the best.

joined Apr 10, 2013

Yeah... If the author decides to kill off either Ymir or Christa, he'll receive lots and lots of hate mails... I probably will even send him one... even if they are written in English

joined Jun 19, 2013

Eh... The author is receiving enough hate posts in the form of death threats... Spare him the hate mail if Ymir and Christa get a bad end ._.'

That being said, this doujin is incredibly touching T____T

joined Mar 5, 2012

Eh... The author is receiving enough hate posts in the form of death threats... Spare him the hate mail if Ymir and Christa get a bad end ._.'

That being said, this doujin is incredibly touching T____T

^ I wholeheartedly agree. Leave the author alone. Stories with happy endings aren't always great.

Also, one can always turn to fanfic and doujin if one of them (or both of them) dies in the actual story.

joined Jul 26, 2013

Wow this was beautiful ;_;

joined Nov 9, 2012

If they are going to die than I would want them to both die together, I know that sounds messed up but too me it's kind of like a romeo & juliet sort of thing. Them dying together is tragic but also romantic in a way.

joined Apr 25, 2017

Ymir died already... i cri. Hope she somehow comes back

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