Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Feb 8, 2016


"Shallow well" sounds like some form of a joke to me tho. XD but hey, I think Yuki is a good name too. Coz if I'm not mistaken, Yuki means snow/courage right ?

Yeah, Yuki has those meanings. But it's too popular. If you try that user name, you will probably have to start adding those numbers and I'm too lazy for that. Azai is uncommon so it was perfect. And now that you mentioned, it does sound like a joke lol.

Yea, Yuki is too popular. I might go with Akira instead of Yuki if Yuki doesn't work out as a username. I always admire Japanese names. It's like sooo cool. XD

Akira is way popular too. Any of the "light" names. Akira, Hikaru, Hina, Hakari, Youko... convinced everything means light in Japanese lol.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Haha thanks, she'll be over for dinner later and we'll talk (I hope). We'll have a nice spicy hot pot hot pot :D Haven't broken mine out in awhile.

I'm sure as hell you'll have a real hot hot pot latuuuuuuuuur~~

I tried that yesterday after we were done moving all her crap and I got 900% rejected lol... sigh.

Time for punishment late-- oh yea. You're an eternal bottom so you punishing her is a bit impossible. Ops XD

Lol not that eternal :P It's taking its toll on me though. 3 months no intimacy for someone who loves human contact is a bit much.

Lol well maybe tonight you will have better luck than yesterday.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Haha thanks, she'll be over for dinner later and we'll talk (I hope). We'll have a nice spicy hot pot hot pot :D Haven't broken mine out in awhile.

I'm sure as hell you'll have a real hot hot pot latuuuuuuuuur~~

I tried that yesterday after we were done moving all her crap and I got 900% rejected lol... sigh.

Time for punishment late-- oh yea. You're an eternal bottom so you punishing her is a bit impossible. Ops XD

Lol not that eternal :P It's taking its toll on me though. 3 months no intimacy for someone who loves human contact is a bit much.

Yep, 3 months is too much. I kind of wonder how you can still put up with that. Lol. But maybe you just really love your girlfriend. Awwieee, it's soo cheesy (>///<)

joined Sep 15, 2015


"Shallow well" sounds like some form of a joke to me tho. XD but hey, I think Yuki is a good name too. Coz if I'm not mistaken, Yuki means snow/courage right ?

Yeah, Yuki has those meanings. But it's too popular. If you try that user name, you will probably have to start adding those numbers and I'm too lazy for that. Azai is uncommon so it was perfect. And now that you mentioned, it does sound like a joke lol.

Yea, Yuki is too popular. I might go with Akira instead of Yuki if Yuki doesn't work out as a username. I always admire Japanese names. It's like sooo cool. XD

Akira is way popular too. Any of the "light" names. Akira, Hikaru, Hina, Hakari, Youko... convinced everything means light in Japanese lol.

Oh man. Maybe I'll just stick with having weird usernames then. A lot easier and less complicated lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol well maybe tonight you will have better luck than yesterday.

Yep, 3 months is too much. I kind of wonder how you can still put up with that. Lol. But maybe you just really love your girlfriend. Awwieee, it's soo cheesy (>///<)

Not cheese, tofu (dofu is what it sounds like in Mandarin) :P

I somehow ended up feeling like the guilty party, so I'm just putting up with whatever -_- My friends say I'm really whipped, if that puts anything into perspective.

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:04PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:11PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

I somehow ended up feeling like the guilty party, so I'm just putting up with whatever -_- My friends say I'm really whipped, if that puts anything into perspective.

Aww dofu hwaiting!!!! :( you have your cheer squad here if anything happens!
And agree with kitkat101 I dont want to intrude into your personal life but you shouldnt let yourself feel like the only guilty one. Be honest and talk it out instead of holding yourself back!

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:13PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

KitKat101 Well, she cries a lot and I don't. Easy way to feel guilty... You're right though and I couldn't just go along with it, not ready yet. Also you could change your name to KittoKatto101 to make it Japanese lol. Kit Kats are very popular in Japan. The matcha ones are really good.

Newp :*

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:13PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I somehow ended up feeling like the guilty party, so I'm just putting up with whatever -_- My friends say I'm really whipped, if that puts anything into perspective.

Aww dofu hwaiting!!!! :( you have your cheer squad here if anything happens!

If it doesn't work out, I'll have a beer or two later at night for you. Ugh. This is so depressing. Hahaha

joined Mar 17, 2016

I somehow ended up feeling like the guilty party, so I'm just putting up with whatever -_- My friends say I'm really whipped, if that puts anything into perspective.

Aww dofu hwaiting!!!! :( you have your cheer squad here if anything happens!

Yeah! We can be on standby incase you need any words of encouragement

joined Feb 13, 2016

. Also you could change your name to KittoKatto101 to make it Japanese lol. Kit Kats are very popular in Japan. The matcha ones are really good.

Laughed way too hard here. dofudofu that was brilliant.

joined Mar 2, 2016

KitKat101 Well, she cries a lot and I don't. Easy way to feel guilty... You're right though and I couldn't just go along with it, not ready yet. Also you could change your name to KittoKatto101 to make it Japanese lol. Kit Kats are very popular in Japan. The matcha ones are really good.

Newp :*

Then you lick off dem tears and attack her heheheh..
On a serious note take it easy girl

joined Mar 17, 2016

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

Oh yeah the whole thing with Sel was really frustrating lol and hopefully we don't have anymore of that, I would think people would be more likely to post here now since we all are friendly with each other and talk about basically everything XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

KitKat101 Well, she cries a lot and I don't. Easy way to feel guilty... You're right though and I couldn't just go along with it, not ready yet. Also you could change your name to KittoKatto101 to make it Japanese lol

That was funny. KittoKatto101 Wasabi flavor XD

Yea, when somebody cries in front of you with something you've done or said, it makes you feel really guilty. But it means that she loves you waaaay too much to still be with you for 3 months even after getting rejected. I mean, some eventually break ups with their girlfriend in a few weeks time after they get rejected.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

Oh yeah the whole thing with Sel was really frustrating lol and hopefully we don't have anymore of that, I would think people would be more likely to post here now since we all are friendly with each other and talk about basically everything XD

Haha I think its good that we are taking it easy and just chilling around here while waiting for the next chapter. The heated discussions can wait until Wednesdays :P

joined Sep 15, 2015

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

Oh yeah the whole thing with Sel was really frustrating lol and hopefully we don't have anymore of that, I would think people would be more likely to post here now since we all are friendly with each other and talk about basically everything XD

Haha I think its good that we are taking it easy and just chilling around here while waiting for the next chapter. The heated discussions can wait until Wednesdays :P

I can't wait for the new chapter to come out.
I'll be really busy this Wednesday so I might miss out on all the fun and heated discussions that day (T_T)

joined Jul 27, 2015

Geezus, you people are making it hard for me to keep up. I'm trying to become part of this little family and you chat like there's no tomorrow and leaving me behind. sob sob (Q_Q)

KittoKatto101 Wasabi flavor

I'd actually be curious about the actual product. XD I mean, I'm a big fan of chili chocolate. I wonder if wasabi chocolate could work. o.o

joined Feb 13, 2016

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

Oh yeah the whole thing with Sel was really frustrating lol and hopefully we don't have anymore of that, I would think people would be more likely to post here now since we all are friendly with each other and talk about basically everything XD

Yeah, Sel tested my patience back then. I was about to get serious and get that kid out of here, but KittoKatto101 was faster and put that kid on the run.

joined Feb 8, 2016

That was funny. KittoKatto101 Wasabi flavor XD

These are the best though:

Yea, when somebody cries in front of you with something you've done or said, it makes you feel really guilty. But it means that she loves you waaaay too much to still be with you for 3 months even after getting rejected. I mean, some eventually break ups with their girlfriend in a few weeks time after they get rejected.

Well I don't know about "with me" at the moment. She's the one that put us on break (I hate this term); I just said no to getting engaged, not all the other stuff she wanted. In retrospect I must've been crazy to think she wouldn't be upset, but at the time I really didn't think she'd make a big fuss about it. I thought she was feeling the pressure of a lot of our friends getting married and such.

Yeah and I'll be missing Wednesday as well :(( Going to be on the road.

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:26PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Why feel like the guilty party now ? Is it bc you rejected her ? But you're just being honest rather than lie and be uncertain along the way. It'll just make things even harder for the both of you.

Yea, it's nerve wracking to post something out of nowhere when you feel the sort of atmosphere we got during that time. I was so pissed at Sel that time and it's funny just remembering it haha

Oh yeah the whole thing with Sel was really frustrating lol and hopefully we don't have anymore of that, I would think people would be more likely to post here now since we all are friendly with each other and talk about basically everything XD

Yeah, Sel tested my patience back then. I was about to get serious and get that kid out of here, but KittoKatto101 was faster and put that kid on the run.

Lmao I love that KittoKatto101 is a thing now.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Geezus, you people are making it hard for me to keep up. I'm trying to become part of this little family and you chat like there's no tomorrow and leaving me behind. sob sob (Q_Q)

That's why it's sooo hard to leave the thread. They're gonna leave us behind if we go away for even just a day. No pause at all. Lol

KittoKatto101 Wasabi flavor

I'd actually be curious about the actual product. XD I mean, I'm a big fan of chili chocolate. I wonder if wasabi chocolate could work. o.o

I think I saw a wasabi flavor once but not sure where here in Canada. Might be in the Chinese Supermarket in the mall. Never tried it bc I always think that chocolates shouldn't be spicy at all. Like cmon, they're chocolates. They're supposed to be sweet and not burn your tongue. XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Geezus, you people are making it hard for me to keep up. I'm trying to become part of this little family and you chat like there's no tomorrow and leaving me behind. sob sob (Q_Q)

KittoKatto101 Wasabi flavor

I'd actually be curious about the actual product. XD I mean, I'm a big fan of chili chocolate. I wonder if wasabi chocolate could work. o.o

Yeah it's really hard to catch up after being gone and trying to make sure you don't get left behind in the family haha

joined Feb 8, 2016

We can just make all the names a little Japanese. KittoKatto101, KawaiiLlama-chan, tofutofu-shishou, Newp-sensei :P

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:32PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Guys can I suggest making a new thread about off-topic discussions? If it is allowed, I think it would be better to keep track like that and know where to look for comments regarding WDTFS and other conversations :)

joined Mar 2, 2016

WHAAAtt. KittoKatto101 dofudofu You guys wont be here on Wednesday? ㅠ ㅠ this makes me sad.
Nevertheless Ill still be sure to wake up early and get the translations done for you all !

MacySan I also thought about this but Im nkt sure how it would work out because like dofudofu mentioned below, the discussion om WDTFS would split up into different threads.. which makes it half the fun

last edited at Apr 3, 2016 2:36PM

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