Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Feb 17, 2013

@Snapdragon beans I just mean its way too advanced- its like what VR might be in 30 or so years lol.

The gfx are not up to the res of none vr, character models are much more limited in VR than seen here- simpler avatars that ofcouse do NOT look like you or have good animation or the ability to express emotions etc. If you tried to hug etc you wouldn't feel anything and the cameras would go inside each others character models.. They were not even holding controllers so I've no idea how they were controlling the game.. You mostly stand fairly still and move and turn in a small area, and move in game mostly with the controller sticks- or via teleporting.. And with multiplayer, probably get characters skipping about and stuff due to lag unless you have great internet..

Don't get me wrong, VR is incredible in the right games - but I don't count the multiplayer stuff among those- that just mostly makes them more limited in other ways. The new half-life game is amazing, and my personal fav is Elite :)

Few things beat flying your own spaceship in VR..

And also, you have the problem that it makes many people motion sick unless they use teleport move- or its just a roomspace game.. I myself can only play games with smooth walking for a limited time before I start feeling really sick..

It doesn't seem to effect you if you are in a cockpit of a vehicle in VR nearly so much tho thankfully- your brain can accept you don't feel motion much if you are sat down in a vehicle- but if you are 'walking' in VR when you are really standing still.. You can start feeling sick within 20 minutes.. You can build resistance to it, but I proffer to just use teleport moving if the game lets you- and most do.

last edited at Apr 12, 2020 12:18PM

joined Jun 12, 2019


joined Mar 22, 2013

So spider is a bug ?

Since you're already mentioning it: Spiders are NOT insects and also no bugs!

joined Feb 17, 2013

^ Isn't bug a general term like creepy-crawly? I'm fairly sure you can call a spider a bug- even though its not an insect.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Yeah, doesn't the term bug cover arachnidae (that is spiders, ticks and scorpions), centipedes and insects

joined Oct 25, 2015

Cute. More not depressing stories. Yes!. \O/

joined May 24, 2014

Pixivy update

well, she tried

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

^ Yeah, doesn't the term bug cover arachnidae (that is spiders, ticks and scorpions), centipedes and insects

In Japan, the word bug (mushi) refers to insects, spiders, germs, and even snails, among other things.

joined Mar 21, 2019

Everyone loves cute.

joined Sep 13, 2018

the "i love yuri" shirt
god damn it another one i want to have , every manga or anime i like always have some shirt i want.
-suicat /watermeloneko shirt from comic girls
- spark & "its my birthday and all i got its this oversized T-shirt" shirt from watamote
- sleep x sheep pajamas from hitori bocchi
-now this "i love yuri"

joined May 24, 2014

They were very, VERY cute indeed

joined Aug 10, 2015

"They were damn cute."

These two. Thee two get it.

last edited at Apr 18, 2020 10:00PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

The moment Kageko went alone to fight the monster, looking all cool and heroic and stuff, I knew she was gonna get killed in 0,7 seconds.

It's just not her role. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Apr 2, 2017

Lmao the fuckin yuri bros

joined Jan 7, 2019

This is what Sword art online should have been.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Not gonna lie that guy in the end could be me

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, she tried, and she was cool regardless of the result.

the "i love yuri" shirt
god damn it another one i want to have , every manga or anime i like always have some shirt i want.
-suicat /watermeloneko shirt from comic girls
- spark & "its my birthday and all i got its this oversized T-shirt" shirt from watamote
- sleep x sheep pajamas from hitori bocchi
-now this "i love yuri"

Simple black t-shirt (which I've also seen actually being sold)

joined Jun 27, 2017

Simple black shirt reminds me of those "black was sold out" pink shirts and mugs and such.
... and, yes, I own some of those.

joined Apr 20, 2013

ironwolf69 posted:

are the chapters not going to be inked anymore? if so that really stinks.

I bet its a Covid / deadline issue.

I doubt it, I mean, this has been serialized, so it saves time to leave the inking to the serialized version with extra content for later

joined Jun 12, 2019

His shirt.. same bro

joined Jun 4, 2015

delinquents support 100% :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

those punks... I approve!

joined Mar 22, 2013

^ Yeah, doesn't the term bug cover arachnidae (that is spiders, ticks and scorpions), centipedes and insects

Really? well, I'm no native speaker in english. Just some random biologist passing by. That might explain my reaction. But okay, I understand the issue.

joined Jul 19, 2018

^ Yeah, doesn't the term bug cover arachnidae (that is spiders, ticks and scorpions), centipedes and insects

Really? well, I'm no native speaker in english. Just some random biologist passing by. That might explain my reaction. But okay, I understand the issue.

Yeah, there are a few different meanings to the word "bug" in English. It is used commonly and informally as a term for any kind of small creepy crawly arthropod type critter, but its second more formal definition is the one you are thinking of which is a term rooted in biology which denotes a specific subset of insects with sucking mouth parts.

joined Aug 18, 2015


Remember that spiders are friends! Be kind to your friends, everyone!

last edited at Apr 20, 2020 9:10PM

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