Forum › Whispering You a Love Song discussion

joined Oct 20, 2017

"Over 50,000 copies sold! (including digital)"
Well, that's disappointing.

Maybe you misunderstood? That's over 50,000 for volume 8, in Japan so far (not translated yet). "Whisper" is generally one of the best selling, if not still the best selling, current yuri manga. If it were disappointing, they wouldn't highlight it.

Yeah, if it's for one volume it's not bad. Still, Yuru Yuri is getting around 100K or more for one volume :/

Just for some perspective: Yuru Yuri is the best selling series in the history of Comic Yuri Hime, and also the only series in the magazine whose anime adaptation got more than one TV season. It's a tall order for any other Yuri Hime title to outsell that, even on a per volume basis.

last edited at Oct 22, 2023 7:54PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

"Over 50,000 copies sold! (including digital)"
Well, that's disappointing.

Maybe you misunderstood? That's over 50,000 for volume 8, in Japan so far (not translated yet). "Whisper" is generally one of the best selling, if not still the best selling, current yuri manga. If it were disappointing, they wouldn't highlight it.

Yeah, if it's for one volume it's not bad. Still, Yuru Yuri is getting around 100K or more for one volume :/

Don't think that comparison really works but I'm not going to get into sales discussions beyond this. Overall point is that it's selling well and the number was an ad highlighting it's good sales and public (Japan) reception.

I understan why comparing it to one piece doesnt work but both yuru yuri and sasakoi are published on the same magazine and both are in broad terms parts of the same genre, heck even if we remove yuru yuri from the equation maid dragon sold over 2 millions copies at some point of it´s (still ongoing) run.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I understan why comparing it to one piece doesnt work but both yuru yuri and sasakoi are published on the same magazine and both are in broad terms parts of the same genre, heck even if we remove yuru yuri from the equation maid dragon sold over 2 millions copies at some point of it´s (still ongoing) run.

Yuru Yuri has 20 volumes (and 6 of its spin-off), three anime seasons and several Ovas (plus a fourth season and two movies to be premiered next year). It's the magazine's One Piece.

Whispering has 8 volumes and an anime yet to air.

It's definitely not a fair comparison.

joined Sep 10, 2022

"Over 50,000 copies sold! (including digital)"
Well, that's disappointing.

Maybe you misunderstood? That's over 50,000 for volume 8, in Japan so far (not translated yet). "Whisper" is generally one of the best selling, if not still the best selling, current yuri manga. If it were disappointing, they wouldn't highlight it.

Yeah, if it's for one volume it's not bad. Still, Yuru Yuri is getting around 100K or more for one volume :/

Don't think that comparison really works but I'm not going to get into sales discussions beyond this. Overall point is that it's selling well and the number was an ad highlighting it's good sales and public (Japan) reception.

I understan why comparing it to one piece doesnt work but both yuru yuri and sasakoi are published on the same magazine and both are in broad terms parts of the same genre, heck even if we remove yuru yuri from the equation maid dragon sold over 2 millions copies at some point of it´s (still ongoing) run.

Others have already said some stuff. But you think Kobayashi sold 2 million for a volume? You're talking about total sales or circulation (when the discussion was about individual volume sales) and Dragon Maid still is not a reasonable comparison. Like I said I'm not getting into sales discussions too much because this gets into the weeds.

last edited at Oct 23, 2023 10:29AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

I’m open to vigorous discussion.

Too late for that, I think everyone is worn down by now, you have previous 90 pages to read through if you're up for that.

I didn't read the latest chapter yet, I found that for this series it works best if I look at comments first because they're always a better read anyway... but this time they seem very tame and for the most part not focused on what's happening in the chapter so I'm going to guess it's boring :P

last edited at Oct 24, 2023 2:49AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Just got caught up, I'm really glad I abandoned the series since around chapter 34 and then marathoned it up to current. It's SO much of a better way to read this story. The drama is properly intense and the story properly flows. Shiho's still annoying but she's not so bad that you can't stand her. And her own story and Aki's makes a lot more sense when it's all read together in context. It was a really good read.

I recommend anyone really hating on Shiho to go back and read from the beginning of the arc.

She's an incredibly immature girl with poor impulse control that's lead around by her emotions. i.e. she's a standard hormonal teenager with the added trauma from an intense upbringing along with a lost rival. Her character makes a lot of sense.

Edit: Also, skimming through these forum archives, I'm further glad I stopped and came back. They're a complete cesspool of negativity that could destroy any positive feelings someone has toward this series. It's no wonder that the people here are so divorced from how popular the series is in Japan.

last edited at Oct 25, 2023 8:06AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I didn't read the latest chapter yet, I found that for this series it works best if I look at comments first because they're always a better read anyway... but this time they seem very tame and for the most part not focused on what's happening in the chapter so I'm going to guess it's boring :P

The school festival arc is over, so of course the last two chapters have been more calm. The same level of melodrama is probably not coming back for a little while at least.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Her request is a threesome?

joined Oct 15, 2014

New anime trailer out, but it looks like it's been delayed to April which, judging from the ANN article, seems to be due to a change in director (health issues apparently).

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 1:46PM

joined Dec 23, 2020

Well, that escalated quickly.

Also, good for Inu-Hima for getting everything cleared up!

But that bit Yori veeerrry interesting.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Yessss this is the chapter that was sorely needed to complete Shiho's redemption arc: a good fucking apology!

Glad they talked stuff out and funny how Yori almost hit the mark on what was going on but still missed it by a mile xD. I can happily look forward to Shiho and Aki's date now.

joined Nov 23, 2014

"Have you lime'd her?" sounds a bit kinky. Just me? Okay then.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah that was a simple conversation, as it should have been. Nothing wrong with Hime doing her own thing and having her own work. Figured they'd easily talk it out and they did. Now it's time for Aki to answer Shiho and for the two to finally make things official. Here's hoping for a smooth date, rather than any setbacks. I'm expecting a heartfelt chapter to cap things off between them, unless the date is delayed.

last edited at Nov 19, 2023 3:54AM

joined Jan 16, 2020

Wow, people are so easy to forgive... Simple ''I'm sorry'' and suddenly everything's ok eh? Not for me. Give me back chapters she took and then maybe I could at least think of forgetting that this bitcho ever existed...

joined Oct 20, 2022

Oh boy, this chapter really segmented the warped morality this manga is operating under for me.

This is not redemption for Shiho, not for a long shot. She had to be forced to apologize by Hina, and more importantly she states herself that she is apologizing not for being in the wrong, but because there is no reason to hate Yori anymore (as if there was any reason to hate her in the first place). She has not changed, she simply got what she wanted.

Also, while the story at least acknowlegdes some of Shiho's wrongdoings, it continues the trend of other characters simply laughing it off or seeking fault with themselves where there is none. Yori accepting some fault here for simply existing, and the story itself labelling her the cause of the whole thing (when she was merely a catalyst, the cause was Shiho not getting what she wanted) leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Thank god for the comment that labeled the discussion on plot or writing in this forum "a complete cesspool of negativity that could destroy any positive feelings someone has toward this series", that gave me a good laugh. If your love is so weak it can be destroyed by some criticism, it was shallow and surface-level in the first place.

last edited at Nov 19, 2023 4:36AM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Wow, people are so easy to forgive... Simple ''I'm sorry'' and suddenly everything's ok eh? Not for me. Give me back chapters she took and then maybe I could at least think of forgetting that this bitcho ever existed...

I mean speaking in terms of the story and disregarding her affects on readers these past few years(?)...yes sometimes a sincere apology is all that is needed. Like if this was a situation in real life, there isn't really much of anything she can do "to make up for it" aside from acknowledging her wrongs and vowing to not do it again. It's up to the other characters whether or not they wanna remain friends/friendly with her and they are so there's not much left Shiho can actually do for now besides clear the air.

Heck her apology was sorely needed for us readers too because it was getting so bad there were people who actually believed Shiho did nothing wrong at all and was in the RIGHT for how she was acting! It was so nice to see the author properly acknowledge how petty she was being and not brush it aside. I think Shiho still needs to properly apologize to Aki and SSGirls for how she was acting, but for now I'm satisfied with where this is going.

Oh boy, this chapter really segmented the warped morality this manga is operating under for me.

Your comment was posted before I finished typing mine so I'm slightly editing.

You bring up a lot of good points that I missed about the apology. I'm still happy with what was shown in this chapter, but I agree it hasn't addressed everything and possibly never will. I think I also didn't blink about the flaws because I'm so used to this sort of brushing aside wrongs and characters saying stuff like "oh it's ok we should've known this so we were the ones that were wrong!" in Japanese media that I just sigh and move on because my expectations on how well they handle these types of issues are on the floor.

last edited at Nov 19, 2023 4:58AM

joined Aug 23, 2022

Pfffft lol, people really mad about a character having development and idk who's grandma Shiho killed so her redemption needs a Zuko treatment.

Anyways they're 16 and in love

joined May 3, 2014

I’m open to vigorous discussion.

Too late for that, I think everyone is worn down by now, you have previous 90 pages to read through if you're up for that.

I didn't read the latest chapter yet, I found that for this series it works best if I look at comments first because they're always a better read anyway... but this time they seem very tame and for the most part not focused on what's happening in the chapter so I'm going to guess it's boring :P

ooo a follower of reading the comments because they are more interesting that the story! NICE !!!

joined Jan 21, 2020

Well we got an apology, except it was to Yori and not to Aki, who is absolutely the one most deserving of one. Honestly, the fact that up until now, not even in her inner thoughts have we seen shiho feel any remorse for what shes put aki through (nevermind a voiced apology) makes their romantic development pretty off-putting.

joined May 3, 2014

Pfffft lol, people really mad about a character having development and idk who's grandma Shiho killed so her redemption needs a Zuko treatment.

Anyways they're 16 and in love

such a week sauce excuse! lol please stop with the excuses!

joined May 3, 2014

Well we got an apology, except it was to Yori and not to Aki, who is absolutely the one most deserving of one. Honestly, the fact that up until now, not even in her inner thoughts have we seen shiho feel any remorse for what shes put aki through (nevermind a voiced apology) makes their romantic development pretty off-putting.

the manga writing for this drama really starts to show the bad side, IF they get in an relationship right after she BEARLY apologises! ugh can’t wait to get over her pathetic drama T^T

joined Aug 23, 2022

Pfffft lol, people really mad about a character having development and idk who's grandma Shiho killed so her redemption needs a Zuko treatment.

Anyways they're 16 and in love

such a week sauce excuse! lol please stop with the excuses!

What excuses? Shiho is a fxcked up character n she knows it, author knows it, Shiho defenders knows it. But people are going to complain regardless even if she gets the besto of the bestos redemptions arcs ever.

She did bad things? Yeah. Wasn't that serious? Nope, a teenager cliché drama. Apologies were need it apologies are being given.
But here we are in another silly Shiho debate.

joined Mar 18, 2023

why is the author making her issue a fake apology this late in the story?

joined Sep 23, 2022

my happiness when a new chapter comes out⬆️⬆️⬆️

joined Jul 8, 2020

Go Aki gooooo

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