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joined Feb 27, 2022

poor priest lol

I stand by my statement more than ever after his surprise dentistry

joined Jan 9, 2017

No blood, obviously she's wearing a cut resistant west, anything else would be frankly silly considering the lengths she goes to to hide her real self from the world

joined Jul 19, 2021

I do wonder if she'll kill them. Because Benika is there.

joined Nov 17, 2021

I wonder what will happen with the explosive? And also who is carrying it right now. BTW also pretty much the only manga i look forward to reading right now. It's awesome!

joined May 25, 2018

on the one hand, this is so good that i regret not reading it until now

on the other hand, i wish that i'd waited until it finished because the anticipation is killing me

last edited at Aug 3, 2023 10:50PM

joined Dec 21, 2016

You're right Father. They aren't.

This line goes hard.

last edited at Aug 4, 2023 2:24AM

joined Apr 11, 2022

Imagine she headbutts the shit out of the blondie and makes it a 1v1

joined Jul 15, 2016

^ I must say, I would have really preferred not to read that. Not entirely sure why you're seeing so many of those images, or how it's relevant to the comic at hand (...I struggle to imagine a fork was involved).

I have had an... interesting childhood in a not so nice part of the world at a very crappy point in time.

(Ch. 37 edit)
Okay, what the actual fuck.

Yup, there goes my trauma again. :-)

You're right Father. They aren't.

This line goes hard.

I also like the double meaning there, depending on whether the "f" is capitalized or not. :-)

last edited at Aug 4, 2023 5:57AM

joined Jul 4, 2021

I really love that Father Shirafune is just totally on board the Benika/Rose train now. Perhaps as a result of these extreme circumstances, but I do love the speech he gives. "Haha, you fools; my daughter's girlfriend is going to kick your asses."

joined Jan 9, 2017

I really love that Father Shirafune is just totally on board the Benika/Rose train now. Perhaps as a result of these extreme circumstances, but I do love the speech he gives. "Haha, you fools; my daughter's girlfriend is going to kick your asses."

There are so many angles this could be looked at

He could be trying to hold moral up as a survival measure, maybe he believes in the power of love, he could be urging Rose towards redemption because he know he can't seperate her from Benika with incurring damage to Benika in a time he might not be able to be there for her, survival > stability? Just trying to be strong in front of Benika? All of the above?

It's a strong setup

joined Nov 13, 2022

This is more violence than I am used to in my yuri :(

I will keep reading, but :(

I just want Rose to be able to quit her job and teach P.E. or something

joined Apr 8, 2013

maybe it's just me but rereading things from the start, i have a lot of questions still
like the lady offering rose the job to kill archbishop(and his cronies which would also mean kill shirafune) doesnt know who ROSE actually is?? because during the meetup between Father and Rose, lady doesnt know who Rose is even though theyre the one offering the job to rose herself?? am i missing something

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

This is more violence than I am used to in my yuri :(

I will keep reading, but :(

I just want Rose to be able to quit her job and teach P.E. or something

I am now imagining her PE lessons. "Come on, kids! You need to get that technique right and put in some speed and energy! How are you expecting to kill your opponent with moves like THAT?" "Um, sensei, we weren't planning to kill anyone! Wasn't this dodgeball?"

joined Aug 12, 2019

been missing out for a bit since being sick, but shit is getting intense.

and to the ones from many chapters ago who complained about the story being slowed down, who's laughing now.

joined Jan 9, 2017

They are desperate and Benika is def gonna throw something at them from behind or Shirafuna is gonna wake up

joined Sep 16, 2014

Make it quick? Yeah, she saw Benika coming.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Imagine she headbutts the shit out of the blondie and makes it a 1v1

Lol....The blondie nun took your advice it seems....though it seems Rose's head is more harder and the blonde nun is taking equal damage from the headbutts XD

Welp Seems Rose is thankfully smart and prepared! as expected of a professional!! Too bad her 2 enemies are wearing some armor too...

It pretty much taking everything they can out of our 2 spies and they can barely restraining Rose...wonder what tricks Rose will pull to get out of this situation....

Damage taken so far from the fight:
Blondie nun (Damage, sprain or broken wrist, minor bleeding from headbutts)
Hibai (some minor damage to eyes and a cut wrist from attempt to blind Rose + minor bleeding)
Rose (Minor bleeding and dizzy from a few headbutts)

maybe it's just me but rereading things from the start, i have a lot of questions still
like the lady offering rose the job to kill archbishop(and his cronies which would also mean kill shirafune) doesnt know >who ROSE actually is?? because during the meetup between Father and Rose, lady doesnt know who Rose is even >though theyre the one offering the job to rose herself?? am i missing something

To the person with the bird avatar...Basically they are not very good at keeping track of who they hired....

They know about Rose...but not exactly her looks, appearance or IRL name and real face basically. The test her out by trying to follow her around but Rose gave them slip and passed their little test [she was also wearing a fake beard + disguise]

Rose usually toss away her burner phones too so it like they casual chat or talk...their work routine is basically standard code talk and processes and etc. Cold talking by telling rose her mission and receiving mission details, not allowed to talk casuallly

Basically they have a way to call her and knows she is working for them....but nothing much else since to them, she is just a another refugee they hired as a hitmen/assassin....even though you probably should want to get to know your best assassin/hitmen you have so far that been working for you for a whole 1.5-3 years already....

last edited at Aug 5, 2023 4:04PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

There’s desperation, and then there’s slitting your own wrist in order to use your blood as a weapon. Jesus Christ, Hibai.

joined Jul 4, 2021

I'm still figuring that odds are good that Hibai and Gina are going to end up going rogue along with Rose and Benika. Probably as a result of the dual execution orders that are going to get triggered at some point here.

joined Jun 16, 2023

maybe it's just me but rereading things from the start, i have a lot of questions still
like the lady offering rose the job to kill archbishop(and his cronies which would also mean kill shirafune) doesnt know >who ROSE actually is?? because during the meetup between Father and Rose, lady doesnt know who Rose is even >though theyre the one offering the job to rose herself?? am i missing something

To the person with the bird avatar...Basically they are not very good at keeping track of who they hired....

They know about Rose...but not exactly her looks, appearance or IRL name and real face basically. The test her out by trying to follow her around but Rose gave them slip and passed their little test [she was also wearing a fake beard + disguise]

Rose usually toss away her burner phones too so it like they casual chat or talk...their work routine is basically standard code talk and processes and etc. Cold talking by telling rose her mission and receiving mission details, not allowed to talk casuallly

Basically they have a way to call her and knows she is working for them....but nothing much else since to them, she is just a another refugee they hired as a hitmen/assassin....even though you probably should want to get to know your best assassin/hitmen you have so far that been working for you for a whole 1.5-3 years already....

Well, we also know from what we saw in the early chapters that Rose is putting quite a bit of effort into maintaining her anonymity. She wears different disguises in different circumstances (remember that she's wearing a wig almost every time we see her, her real hair is lighter in color), probably has multiple false identities, and we saw that she doesn't ever meet her employers in person, only communicate over the phone. So Babylon knows that they employ an assassin code-named RS2088, but don't have a real name or face to go with it. And Rose doesn't know anything about the organization that she works for. That way neither of them can reveal anything about the other if they're caught.

joined May 10, 2021

Man those two are kinda trash compared to Rose huh. So now either she'll go berserk mode, or Benika'll join the fray.

joined Jun 17, 2021

and to the ones from many chapters ago who complained about the story being slowed down, who's laughing now.

I just keep thinking about the people who kept whiningly insisting on a "comedy" tag...

joined Jun 27, 2017

I just keep thinking about the people who kept whiningly insisting on a "comedy" tag...

How serious are you taking this fight? ^^;

joined Dec 20, 2018

As expected, Rose doesn't get just stabbed if it isn't part of the plan. :D

Even working together and going to this kind of lengths, in the end they barely manage to get this to a stalemate. And they've entirely forgotten that they're not the only three people in the room...

joined Aug 12, 2019

and to the ones from many chapters ago who complained about the story being slowed down, who's laughing now.

I just keep thinking about the people who kept whiningly insisting on a "comedy" tag...

at least they got the tag to added on. some ppl are just impatient and can't sit still for the chapters to go the way they think it's going and already throwing in the towel.

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