Forum › Two people and three cakes discussion

joined Mar 13, 2018

"toxic" "unhealthy" "yandere" homegirl is simply whipped

joined Jan 31, 2015

The Bread is a lie.

joined Jan 1, 2019

Cute-sy it up all you want but that relationship is just exhausting (toxic). It seems to work FOR THEM but personally, naah...

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think this is just japanese comedy where they like to exaggerate thing like this relationship and make it seems riduculous.
Nothing to be concern here, i hope..

Also from the US: The Honeymooners; The Three Stooges; a nearly infinite number of comic strips, to name the most obvious examples.

joined Oct 25, 2011

A lifetime of shit-tests to look forward to.

joined Nov 11, 2015

If anyone's relationship looks remotely like this, like even in the slightest, RUN.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Big yikes, don't get with someone who makes you feel like they're a ticking time bomb.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yes, by no means mistake sketch comedy, which often takes a minor everyday situation or foible (forgetting an anniversary, a partner who expects a certain amount of mind-reading) and ramps it way up to 10, for guidebooks to proper real-life behavior.

joined Mar 16, 2022

Sorawo had done with ghosts, so she seeks another thrill: dating a yandere

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 11:46AM

joined Jan 11, 2014

Let’s move past the discussion posts about this being unhealthy, toxic, and abusive. We all know this. Let’s move onto post-analysis fun time and enjoy the comedy.

joined Apr 16, 2022

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

joined Feb 1, 2021

This is clearly cake not bread. For shame, Dynasty taggers.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

She tracked down the baker. That is insane.

joined Mar 21, 2019

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

She tracked down the baker. That is insane.

And even with the knife being just in the girl's head, that her mental state defaults to that imagery points to a huge issue with the relationship. A crippling fear of disappointing your girlfriend based on it happening it before isn't good.

Like, I get this is supposed to be played up for comedy, but I just don't find it funny. It's the same as me not finding abuse played up as slapstick funny.

joined Feb 11, 2014

First page and my first thought was "that girl is fluffing high maintenance" XD

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

She tracked down the baker. That is insane.

And even with the knife being just in the girl's head, that her mental state defaults to that imagery points to a huge issue with the relationship. A crippling fear of disappointing your girlfriend based on it happening it before isn't good.

Like, I get this is supposed to be played up for comedy, but I just don't find it funny. It's the same as me not finding abuse played up as slapstick funny.

Matter of taste I guess. My taste agrees with yours in this case--I didn't find it particularly funny. But I don't know if it's because I don't generally like that style of comedy or if this particular example wasn't very funny.

I don't think we can say the knife was JUST in the girl's head. We can say the girlfriend was PROBABLY not actually planning to use it. But she was certainly using it as a prop, holding it up meaningfully when nervous girl said the wrong thing. You don't brandish a knife like that by accident just as a byproduct of having it to cut cake. So in assessing just how over the top the not-very-funny comedy was, I'd say it was over the top enough for the knife to genuinely represent an implicit threat, just not one very likely to be carried out.

I do feel that particularly edgy comedy often cuts corners in the "actually being funny" department. Like it's possible for really dark humour to be really, really funny . . . but a lot of the time it's just phoned in. Like they get to be lazy with the actual comedy part because they can assume anyone not liking it is only not finding it funny because it's too dark for them and they're being PC or whatever. So they sort of lean on the shock factor but get lazy about the punch lines. In extreme cases you get stuff that's supposed to be taken as funny JUST BECAUSE it's transgressive and would offend someone, without any actual joke at all.

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 1:37PM

joined Jul 26, 2013

This was hilarious lol

joined Oct 15, 2021

no cute menhara gf to put me in the freezer why live

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

I don't think we can say the knife was JUST in the girl's head.

I think we can. Her hands are full the entire scene with the tray, and the knife only appears in panels where Suu is imagining Mayu. When the art is normal, there is no knife. All of the exaggerated versions of Mayu are seen through Suu in either panels where the art changes or in memories although that could just be the nature of a comedy story. It seems written in such a way that Mayu's yandere traits could all be from Suu overthinking everything. Although Mayu does say Suu managed to figure the cake thing out as if it were a test

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 3:11PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

"toxic" "unhealthy" "yandere" homegirl is simply whipped

your honour, it wasn't domestic abuse and battery, it was simply keeping my girl pussywhipped and loyal

joined Jun 8, 2020

holy moly what a stressful shit

joined Apr 16, 2022

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

She tracked down the baker. That is insane.

"Insane" is strong. She went above and beyond for a meaningful anniversary. And it's not like she harmed the baker at all.

I would not personally date someone like Mayu but I do think a lot of people in this thread took this silly comedy oneshot way too literally. Edit: It's like the people who think that an anime tsundere punching her love interest into the sky because he saw her panties represents literal domestic violence.

Edit 2:

And even with the knife being just in the girl's head, that her mental state defaults to that imagery points to a huge issue with the relationship. A crippling fear of disappointing your girlfriend based on it happening it before isn't good.

The visual metaphor is that her girlfriend being sad makes her feel so bad it's as if she might die.

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 3:28PM

joined Jan 4, 2023

This was very cute! I wonder if they'll make this one-off serialized? It'd be pretty cool to see more of this wholesome yandere manga.

joined Aug 22, 2022

this is just terrifying tbh

what would have happened if she hadn't remembered it on time?

Something other than the cakes would get divided into two or more slices

Hopefully their relationship would get divided into two slices

joined Oct 30, 2021

I guess this page wasn't enough for people to see that the knife was a visual metaphor. Mayu is not actually threatening to murder her girlfriend; the danger here is making her sad, which is being exaggerated for comedic effect.

She tracked down the baker. That is insane.

And even with the knife being just in the girl's head, that her mental state defaults to that imagery points to a huge issue with the relationship. A crippling fear of disappointing your girlfriend based on it happening it before isn't good.

Like, I get this is supposed to be played up for comedy, but I just don't find it funny. It's the same as me not finding abuse played up as slapstick funny.

As a matter of fact, we know that their first anniversary was almost a failure bc glasses forgot about it so all in all if she almost forgot that then one can understand her being very wary of any potential mistake sooooo yeah ill give the "supposed to be" yandere/toxic gf the benefit of doubt

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