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joined Apr 20, 2013

omg that's too lucky!! and I mean, people are going as far as to sell them in ebay (maybe I should've kept quiet about this? I won't sell it, I really just want the car)

If you can help me you'll have my eternal gratitude [angel edited out]
Also please don't judge my email, I made it when I was 14

I saw the edit! I will and thanks

I heard it takes like half a day or 24 hours to make a code

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 3:46PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Also please don't judge my email, I made it when I was 14

Bruh I've had my username/email for over a decade and it existed before "Fifty Shades of Grey" but nobody believes me and everyone thinks I have a liking for that wretched series lol

joined Apr 20, 2013

shadesofgreymoon posted:

Also please don't judge my email, I made it when I was 14

Bruh I've had my username/email for over a decade and it existed before "Fifty Shades of Grey" but nobody believes me and everyone thinks I have a liking for that wretched series lol

I admit, I thought that was the case! Mine is linked to my android account, youtube, isp and even one of my work related websites... I have to live with it.

Thank you very much and sorry for the trouble!

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 3:49PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I admit, I thought that was the case! Mine is linked to my android account, youtube, isp and even one of my work related websites... I have to live with it.

Thank you very much and sorry for the trouble!

It's because I started playing World of Warcraft and my main raiding character is named Greymoon. Started being called "Grey" in raid chat and it stuck. I go by that name IRL now, have done since about 2009, and will have it changed legally one day. But yes I have no love for the Fifty Shades, I hate that hot garbage for oh so many reasons...

Also, you're welcome, I hope what I emailed to you is what you needed and it goes smoothly. :)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Well at least is not Leeroy J. ! we are from different worlds, I was from lineage 2 and blade & soul (anime looking games are my weakness) so I never touched WoW. But I love fantasy so you have my respect... Good luck with the name change hehehe.

It was! muchas gracias! and now not only I have a Super Rare exclusive digital treasure... I have two ♫ ♪

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Just join forces with your parents in applying pressure on your brother to find a job; also wait until your stepdad finds a new job; also, maybe selling something useful that none of you feel like you need it; also, you could just open a lemonade stand or something similar (it is summer in Australia now, so cold drinks must be in high demand there now); maybe crowdfund (tho I don't know how many people would be willing to help).

joined Jun 5, 2016

It was! muchas gracias! and now not only I have a Super Rare exclusive digital treasure... I have two ♫ ♪

Ha! I hope you actually liked the song. I actually thought I'd lost it forever till about a month ago when I rediscovered all of my old Japanese music from like 2002 on an old hard drive. I'd been looking for "Morainaki" again for years, so it really made my day that day. :)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ah, yes, the 2nd half of the Thirty Years' War.
Or as I like to call it:
Austria, Spain and their allies on one side and Sweden, France and their allies on the other constantly Uno-Reverse-Card-ing each other.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Guys I just got Nitro where can I find all the best yuri emotes

joined Apr 20, 2013

OrangePekoe posted:

Guys I just got Nitro where can I find all the best yuri emotes

Nitro? as in Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled?XP

Also this is coming in english

last edited at Feb 26, 2020 10:50AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Guys I just got Nitro where can I find all the best yuri emotes

Nitro? as in Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled?XP

Your brain has been addled with too much racing :(
Discord Nitro!!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Double post but I really want this game but also I'm poor and too shy to play it on my sister's Switch:

joined Oct 22, 2018

ten-to-fifteen-ish seconds long pause
Is not a conversation I ever expected to read.

joined Apr 20, 2013

OrangePekoe posted:

Guys I just got Nitro where can I find all the best yuri emotes

Nitro? as in Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled?XP

Your brain has been addled with too much racing :(

When you're faster than light, you can only live in darkness...

That game with nurses, I'm afraid, after watching the latest ep of 22/7 and getting flashbacks of many hospitals situations in manga, is like deathflag the game... hopefully I'm super wrong?

joined Jun 5, 2016

Are there any other NEETs/shut ins who have no life to speak of here? I'm asking because I need advice regarding sleep and schedules. Also, sleep schedules.

I do nothing except stay at home all day and it's starting to mess me up mentally. I'm obviously not going to go out and get a job or social life because that's impossible right now, but I need more structure in my life.

I've started to realise that the reason I feel down all the time is because my sleep schedule is messed up. Why is it messed up, though? Because I have nothing better to do than stay up late playing video games. I clearly have no self-control. That lack of self-control is what caused my terrible sleep habits and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about it.

I would technically be considered a NEET and I live my life mostly as a shut in due to both being disabled and having a limited/fixed income as a result of it. Also no family, very few RL friends and hopelessly single for several years.

I've struggled with sleep schedules for years for varying reasons. If you're staying in all the time, dont have obligations like school or work, then why does your sleep schedule matter in the end? I suspect feeling down is more to do with feelings of depression, powerlessness and loneliness, though getting no sun doesn't help.

If you really want to adhere to a normal diurnal schedule you need to practice good sleep hygiene. You need to set boundaries and create a routine. No games past a certain hour. Go to bed at the same time every night. No phone browsing in bed. Set an alarm and dont snooze it to death in the morning, that kinda thing.

Also it's probably easier for people to remember who you are and your situation if you'd stop deleting all your posts

joined Oct 22, 2018

Are there any other NEETs/shut ins who have no life to speak of here? I'm asking because I need advice regarding sleep and schedules. Also, sleep schedules.

I do nothing except stay at home all day and it's starting to mess me up mentally. I'm obviously not going to go out and get a job or social life because that's impossible right now, but I need more structure in my life.

I've started to realise that the reason I feel down all the time is because my sleep schedule is messed up. Why is it messed up, though? Because I have nothing better to do than stay up late playing video games. I clearly have no self-control. That lack of self-control is what caused my terrible sleep habits and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about it.

Not exactly a neet or shut in per se, but I thought I may at least be able to help with suggestions regarding your sleep schedule. I would recommend having a curfew at least 8 hours before your (or your family's) average wake-up time, but at what exact hour that would be would depend entirely on when that time is (not like I always respect my own suggestion, I wake up at 8h30 every week day, but yesterday/today, I went to sleep barely before 1 past midnight, so I may not be one to speak). It could help gradually correct your Circadian cycle (AKA your internal mental clock) until your able to sleep at a set time of day and improve the sleep you get (this last bit was kinda worded slopily, so I won't be surprised if you misunderstand or don't understand it). Just so it wouldn't be left out, although a sleeping schedule should be stricter than what you have right now, it shouldn't exactly be what one thinks when they think of "strict". You should find a balance between strictness and flexibility.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Though related to issue at hand, what's behind the spoiler bars is only partially (the last part merely tangentially) related, and all of that is laised (I dunno how to spell it) with my own brand of anarchist propaganda, so if you think that might be innapropriate to issue at hand, feel free to ignore it.

In anarchist society, the financial state of your family wouldn't have any effect on whethee you could go see a professional or not, but unfortunately, that's the way things are in this capitalist statist dystopia - rich goons get all the good stuff, while the common human is left to wallow in their mysery.

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ I so hope those rich bastards were merciful enough to share with us - common powerless and miserable folks, at least some good enough quality Yuri.. ;_;

I guess curiosity killed the cat...

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ With your support, we can overthrow capitalism (and, ideally/preferably, the state, too), establish a society based on mutual aid and a fusion of direct and consencus democracy, after which we can slowly move on to dismantle all the other unnecessary unjust hierarchies in this World, making it a better place. Spread the word!

joined Jun 25, 2019

There is no system better than another.

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ If we are talking about fusion of brain power, then I vote for the Sibyl system....almost invincible...

last edited at Feb 27, 2020 1:18PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

There is no system better than another.

I for one wish for the return of Feudalism, clearly the best system out there.

joined Oct 22, 2018

There is no system better than another.

I for one wish for the return of Feudalism, clearly the best system out there.

I'm just about 90% sure this was sarcastic.

last edited at Feb 27, 2020 4:35PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Also it's probably easier for people to remember who you are and your situation if you'd stop deleting all your posts

Don't be mean :(

I do nothing except stay at home all day and it's starting to mess me up mentally. I'm obviously not going to go out and get a job or social life because that's impossible right now, but I need more structure in my life.

I've started to realise that the reason I feel down all the time is because my sleep schedule is messed up. Why is it messed up, though? Because I have nothing better to do than stay up late playing video games. I clearly have no self-control. That lack of self-control is what caused my terrible sleep habits and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about it.

It is very likely that your sleep schedule messes up a lot of other things about your life. Like proper food and drink, it's foundational to every other aspect of your existence.

As a former Professional NEET™ I can say that there is no real cure for "sleep laziness." If you find yourself staying up late even when you know you shouldn't, it's an issue of environment rather than personality. If you can't change your personality - I don't most people can - it's time to try changing your environment. For me, this would be getting an alarm clock that is halfway across the room, leaving the curtains open in the morning, and so on. Someone I know who went this way quite extremely, has their router blocked from midnight till 10 am, thus reducing the environmental impact of a phone. Try to think about the structural barriers around you to a good sleep rather than just looking inward at your own behaviours. You might find something very interesting in there!

Hopefully that's helpful in some way!

last edited at Feb 27, 2020 4:44PM

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