Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Sep 21, 2015

Dumbyou* if u love that bastard, it's all yours. Tho you're getting shit and you know it. But at least be happy with your shit and MC would be able to be free once again.

Also, what? How is people doubting he's abusing her? You don't belittle people. You don't talk down to them. You ought to respect people and treat them like a human being at least. That's 10/10 abuse.

last edited at Feb 25, 2020 11:18AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Girl if u love that bastard, it's all yours.

(assuming you're referring to Midori) It's sort of the whole point that she's desperately trying to convince herself she does, against severe lack of evidence for either that being the case or him being at all worth it in the first place.

The reasons why being rather clearly spelled out in both her bleak internal monologues and Doumyou's pitilessly astute dissection of her character and actions.

If you're referring to Doumyou though, well. It's unclear to what degree she wants him after catching glimpse of his actual character but in any case she's by far better equipped to handle him - and dumping him if necessary - than Midori with her metric ton of vulnerability baggage.

last edited at Feb 22, 2020 11:50PM

joined Jan 20, 2019

I thought people were going to discuss that the husband is probably cheating but I seemed to have found a bunch of people arguing

yeah it do be like that, holy crap lol

joined Jan 15, 2020

Haha, amateur psychologist over here, please ignore if you don't want to read this. Just some interesting psychology happening that I thought would be fun to share. I've seen many comments on how Midori deserved being in an unhappy relationship with the idea that everything was her fault. Although there may be some blame involved on Midori's part take into account two important psychological things: (1) The Just-World-Phenonmn (2) Fundamental Attribution Error. (1) The Just-World-Phenonmn refers to the simple idea that good things happen to good people while bad things happen to bad people. Simply put: karma. Happens a lot in rape cases (excuse the extreme example) when people tend to blame the victim such as saying things like: "It was her fault she dressed that way and she chose to get drunk." (2) Fundamental Attribution Error is the tendency that people think that others act the way they do because it's in their personality, and doesn't account for the situation. An example: Becky, a school teacher, has a student named Mike who often gets into fights with other students. Becky thinks this is due to Mike's aggressive personality when actually Mike's mother is dying in a hospital and Mike releases his negative feelings through fighting. (Again, maybe an extreme example). Whew, I felt like I went on a lecture, and Idk if anyone got all that but I hope you enjoyed it.

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 2:22AM

joined May 29, 2019

fun introspection, I like this

joined Jan 14, 2020

"you haven't shown me evidence of abuse. You've shown me that Tazune is insensitive, clearly thinks lesser of his fiancee,"

So what would be convincing evidence of emotional abuse, assuming we never get his POV and internal thoughts/intentions?

joined Mar 21, 2017

Haha, amateur psychologist over here, please ignore if you don't want to read this. Just some interesting psychology happening that I thought would be fun to share. I've seen many comments on how Midori deserved being in an unhappy relationship with the idea that everything was her fault. Although there may be some blame involved on Midori's part take into account two important psychological things: (1) The Just-World-Phenonmn (2) Fundamental Attribution Error. (1) The Just-World-Phenonmn refers to the simple idea that good things happen to good people while bad things happen to bad people. Simply put: karma. Happens a lot in rape cases (excuse the extreme example) when people tend to blame the victim such as saying things like: "It was her fault she dressed that way and she chose to get drunk." (2) Fundamental Attribution Error is the tendency that people think that others act the way they do because it's in their personality, and doesn't account for the situation. An example: Becky, a school teacher, has a student named Mike who often gets into fights with other students. Becky thinks this is due to Mike's aggressive personality when actually Mike's mother is dying in a hospital and Mike releases his negative feelings through fighting. (Again, maybe an extreme example). Whew, I felt like I went on a lecture, and Idk if anyone got all that but I hope you enjoyed it.


Love comments like this. Thinking of going back to uni myself and studying psychology.

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 6:42AM

joined Feb 28, 2019

Imma start beating up everyone in this room except for Maki, Midori and her baby

joined Sep 13, 2018

Lmao, would anyone say he isn't abusive? It's like pretty clear that he's kind of an asshole who insults Midori and he impregnated by literally going 'Eh, c'mon let's just fuck without a condom they just don't feel good' and he doesn't really seem to even care. Plus it's even more obvious now that the guy is totally just going to go out and cheat with Doumyou (if he hasn't already). I wouldn't be surprised if he knew what he was doing from the start too.

I don't even really blame Doumyou, the Tazune seems like he knew what he was doing and he could've easily just said 'Nope, just going to let this woman sit on her crush, not my problem.'. Hell I sure as hell can't blame Midori for what she did to Maki as a child, the author pretty clearly writes out 'She's living in a heterosexual world so of course she thinks she has to leave Maki and so she does'. It's comphet mixing with Midori's fears of being alone, y'all.

I just can't wait for this car wreck to finally happen so Midori can have a moment to realize what and who she wants. If her and Maki have anything to work out, well, they'll be able to I'm sure. I do hope Maki gets some perspective chapters to give us a little break from the shithead, maybe with her meeting her friend and getting the confidence to actually pursue Midori or something.

last edited at Feb 23, 2020 8:08AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

I just can't wait for this car wreck to finally happen so Midori can have a moment to realize what and who she wants.

Actually, if White Rose is right, Midori's subconscious is already screaming at her what & who she wants.

joined Dec 24, 2013

Look, I appreciate the effort you've gone through here, but you haven't shown me evidence of abuse. You've shown me that Tazune is insensitive, clearly thinks lesser of his fiancee, and the two clearly aren't in love, which is something Maki also picks up on, but nowhere have you shown me that he has emotionally abuses her as seems to be the consensus here. It may very well be revealed in a chapter or two that he does in other instances, or he might begin to but within the five chapters so far he simply hasn't abused her. So, I'm just gonna put an end to this here and say lets agree to disagree because its looking like people want to see me as a villain simply for not jumping to Midori's side despite her own stupidity and selfishness.

I agree with this. They aren't kids. Midori obviously wanted something out of him, and he took advantage of her weakness. I am not sure what the point is of making him seem like a real person that is kind of a douche, though. It's easier to just make him evil so that the reasons behind the eventual breakup don't matter. No one wants to read about a man in yuri manga.

Thank you. That last line is what I think the root cause of all the sensationalism of their relationship thus far is.

"you haven't shown me evidence of abuse. You've shown me that Tazune is insensitive, clearly thinks lesser of his fiancee,"

So what would be convincing evidence of emotional abuse, assuming we never get his POV and internal thoughts/intentions?

I agree that routinely insulting her, regardless of his intentions, would be abusive. Particularly if she opens up to him and he disregards her feelings aggressively. However, I maintain that calling her an idiot once and telling her she spaces out is not abusive. Its rude and insensitive but its not abusive. Neither of them are children and both are just as insensitive as the other and yet Midori for the simple fact that she's a POV character in a Yuri manga is immediately victimised by the forum. We don't need a POV from Tazune to make any inferences about the type of person he is, that's been made clear, but we need a lot more than what has been shown to claim she's any sort of victim here.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I maintain that calling her an idiot once and telling her she spaces out is not abusive.

Be sure to include that information in your dating-app profile.

joined Dec 24, 2013

I maintain that calling her an idiot once and telling her she spaces out is not abusive.

Be sure to include that information in your dating-app profile.

Would rather not. Might pull in a Midori.

joined Sep 13, 2018

I agree with this. They aren't kids. Midori obviously wanted something out of him, and he took advantage of her weakness. I am not sure what the point is of making him seem like a real person that is kind of a douche, though. It's easier to just make him evil so that the reasons behind the eventual breakup don't matter. No one wants to read about a man in yuri manga.

I mean, just because they aren't kids doesn't mean it's not pretty clear Tazune is a shithead and abusive. You literally said 'He took advantage of her weakness', that's abusive. Even if she's just with him because she's afraid of being alone, that's hardly a crime, that's just the sad tragedy that happens to a lot of people. Hell it's kind of one of the ways people get stuck in an abusive relationship and don't leave, which the manga is kind of highlighting that.

While I generally agree with 'No one wants to read about a man in yuri manga', it still doesn't change the point that the dude's a shithead taking advantage of a woman who he at least somewhat pressured into having unprotected sex, then proceeds to basically show no real responsibility and really only care about if his wife-to-be will still be available for sex while also basically just negging and insulting her in front of her friends. Battan just wants a bit of realism I guess and the truth is not every abusive person is some violent asshole that screams a lot. I appreciate it for that at least.

joined Sep 3, 2017

You can be an unpleasant person and kind of an ass without being abusive though. While I don't like the guy, we haven't really been shown systematic, repeated emotional abuse... just that he is kind of a douche. Abusive? I think that's hyperbole - I mean I wouldn't want to hang out with him, nor date him, he is a shitty person. Abusive implies hurting another person, perhaps intentionally, perhaps not, to a degree far beyond what we've been shown.

And yeah, it's immensely shitty to beg for unprotected sex, whether straight sex, lesbian or... whatever sex. It's not abusive though, she could have told him to grow up and wear a rubber. Nothing in the situation implied to me she was trapped in it, felt forced or anything, it was just her own issues making her an idiot. A very human, sympathetic and infuriating idiot.

Love the story though, the guy is definitely an ass and if he isn't cheating he is going to soon.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Yeah he's not cheating YET. It's been like a week since Doumyou stopped by if the "messed up a lot this last week" comment in their store was the right time indicator. But he's reaching out to Doumyou with "thanks for coming by" while holding his crying fiancee, after he's demonstrated he's selfish when it comes to sex, and he's commented about presumably the lack of frequency, so the cheating seems to be a foregone conclusion, especially since Doumyou is also obviously down.

joined Mar 23, 2019

You know what I'd love to see? If the baby pulls though and doesn't get taken away in a convenient miscarriage plot device. I want to see Maki make love to Midori with a pregnant belly and tell her just how beautiful the way she is and that everything is going to be okay. That they will get through this bullshit together and that Maki will be the Papa or 2nd Mama in Midori and her child's lives.

That's all I want, then I can be at peace for a short while.

Also I'm really hoping it's a GIRL. How great would that be?

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 9:34AM

joined Mar 3, 2019

You know what I'd love to see? If the baby pulls though and doesn't get taken away in a convenient miscarriage plot device. I want to see Maki make love to Midori with a pregnant belly and tell her just how beautiful the way she is and that everything is going to be okay. That they will get through this bullshit together and that Maki will be the Papa or 2nd Mama in Midori and her child's lives.

That's all I want, then I can be at peace for a short while.

Also I'm really hoping it's a GIRL. How great would that be?

Good Goddessssss!!!! This is just like the perfect ending ever! I mean it's just so sweet and endearing.

edit: I don't think I've seen any of that sort in any Hollywood-produced Romance with a capital-R movie as far as I know.

But that scene of lovemaking while the woman is pregnant, I've seen that in a Steven Spielberg action/drama/assassin movie "Munich".

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 11:13AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I'd never even considered the idea that the baby wouldn't make it. I've always assumed that Midori would end up running to Maki after she found out Tazune cheated and they would run off together. lol

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 1:28PM

joined Mar 15, 2017

The series has finished at chapter 16.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Gee, that was fast.

joined Mar 29, 2019

well we still have 11 chapters to go through at least. I'd say that's a decent lenght though, assuming it didn't get cut short of course

joined Dec 29, 2015

Who cares about what he told to midori, the real abuse was the first time when they were having sex, I mean Midori clearly told him to not do it without a condom and he did it anyway against her will, he even made her cry
Isn’t that abuse?

joined Dec 18, 2018

Well, I think this chapter put a stop to the abuse conversation at least. Not much debate to be had after that punch.

Also is it just me or does Maki look like she's about to tell Midori to fuck off in those last two panels?

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 10:33PM

joined Mar 27, 2018

tfw some people would jump to the defense of a previously-incel turned probable-cheating wife-beater that regularly insulted his "lover" even before this.
but any time there's an new itou hachi manga everyone loses their shit about the gentle and noble protagonist being "disgusting" or "problematic"

really makes you thonking

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 10:36PM

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