Forum › Hino-san no Baka discussion

joined Jul 10, 2016

dont make this any weirder

joined Jun 20, 2017

Omichi is cute, but I felt this payoff was rather weak. Also, I dont know why, but Hino felt a little bit out of character.

joined Dec 30, 2017

Polyamory with Hino Koguma and Omichi.

joined Nov 26, 2019

Polyamory with Hino Koguma and Omichi.

That's what I'm hoping for, it'd be nice. They all have a good rapport and interactions with eachother already, it'd be cute if it built up to that (over a long time, obviously). Like, Hino and Omichi don't even need to be in a relationship with eachother, it doesn't need to be all of them dating both others to be polyamory.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Omichi needs to go away. This was strong for ~40+ chapters with only 2 characters, and I really don't think she's made anything 'better' so far. Cute chapter, and I think we did see Koguma grow a bit too - she probably would've been a lot more embarrassed in the beginning, but here, she's ready to show herself to Hino.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean,it will be already nice if we had proper progress on Koguma/Hino side to not complicated any further. Omichi is a good plus because it had a change of pace from the Koguma/Hino antics that might get old from time to time. And to be fair, Hino don't seem to really care about Omichi at all, as each time it's Omichi who had to force Hino to make a move and the first time it was even for Koguma's sake more than teasing Omichi.

joined Apr 20, 2013

SimObrigada posted:

Omichi is cute, but I felt this payoff was rather weak. Also, I dont know why, but Hino felt a little bit out of character.

Hmmm rather than weak, I would say too predictable~ In fact I was rather disappointed to know that Koguma didn't use the virgin killer outfit as I hoped.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think a lot of the comedy in this chapter is what’s not shown or even hinted at. For instance:

What happened to get the girls from the shop to trying on the clothes? Why would they even do it? Hino’s not even a sempai (not that that would be enough anyway)—she has no power to compel them to take their “punishment” for following her.

Except the power of an accomplished dom over a couple of eager-beaver neophyte subs, of course.

joined Feb 9, 2019

lol blastaar. i was thinking the same thing. they've been trained well.

next they will be obediently holding out their wrists waiting to be bound.

joined Nov 15, 2019

Omichi needs to go away.

yall weak

the series has been stagnant since like chapter 4, it took like 40 chapters for us to get a hint of development, at least theres a new dynamic going on while we wait 40 more chapters for things to advance another half step

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Omichi needs to go away.

yall weak

the series has been stagnant since like chapter 4, it took like 40 chapters for us to get a hint of development, at least theres a new dynamic going on while we wait 40 more chapters for things to advance another half step

Stagnancy is totally fine, especially since these two have always been fun together. Throwing in a third wheel makes for a significantly less enjoyable dynamic, though.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Omichi needs to go away.

yall weak

the series has been stagnant since like chapter 4, it took like 40 chapters for us to get a hint of development, at least theres a new dynamic going on while we wait 40 more chapters for things to advance another half step

Stagnancy is totally fine, especially since these two have always been fun together. Throwing in a third wheel makes for a significantly less enjoyable dynamic, though.

Don’t mess with the Development Mafia—they’re implacable.

joined May 20, 2013

Throwing in a third wheel makes for a significantly less enjoyable dynamic, though.

Now that's what I call Subjective

joined Jun 12, 2017

I'm pretty into Koguma's friend.

joined Nov 26, 2019

Yeah I enjoy her being part of the story personally. I like having more personalities to bounce things off, and it does seem like they're still getting the right tones and interactions between Hino and Koguma.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Ladies and gents, we've got a threesome. \o/

Quite, quite strange to see people suggesting that Chihiro is adding to the development, when it's the exact opposite. Hino and Koguma were definitively making progress, but since Chihiro showed up it's reverted to a comedy status quo. And that's basically the only purpose she ever could serve; in a comedy-romance manga between two characters, adding a third wheel isn't contributing to the romance, so it can only be contributing to the comedy, and the comedy isn't what drives the plot forward.

Just read all the chapters since she appeared again and you'll see what I mean. She literally only shows up to revert things to staus quo when there's potential emotional progress. Just because she's a new addition doesn't mean the manga is moving forward, rather, it's getting derailed.

That's not to say nobody is allowed to like her or the manga is objectively worse for her inclusion. If you like the dynamic she adds to the comedy, well, that's why she exists. But she is objectively not driving development.

last edited at Jan 22, 2020 1:35AM by

joined Sep 29, 2018

Mildly disappointed in this outcome, since at this point, I’m mostly reading this for those sparse reversals on Hino. Hopefully there’s sum development and it won’t keep with this romcom schtick

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm not into threesomes in general but I definitely do not want a threesome for this specific manga

Plus, Omichi's kinda like that guy that's cockblocking the yuri, but instead she's a girl, being used to add comedy, and cockblocks the romance

joined Oct 22, 2018

Name a more iconic duo:
-seeing polyamory in anything

joined Mar 10, 2018

If nothing else, Omichi really adds on how much Koguma's grown since the beginning.

joined Jun 25, 2019

She literally only shows up to revert things to staus quo when there's potential emotional progress.

That's literraly her second appearance and that's implying it doesn't happen before. Stop whining about it kill the progress. We had progress before and get kill the chapter just after.

in a comedy-romance manga between two characters, adding a third wheel isn't contributing to the romance

But the romance isn't the main focus to begin with and Omichi don't show up during those moment.The moments with Omichi braely count as romance and Hino clearly show that she is not interested in Omichi either romantically and for bullying/teasing . She only bully/tease her because she thought it will ease Koguma's burden.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Oh is this manga finally doing something interesting again? Maybe I'll pick it back up.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I'm not into threesomes in general but I definitely do not want a threesome for this specific manga

Plus, Omichi's kinda like that guy that's cockblocking the yuri, but instead she's a girl, being used to add comedy, and cockblocks clamjams the romance

There. I fixed it for you

joined Nov 15, 2019

Quite, quite strange to see people suggesting that Chihiro is adding to the development, when it's the exact opposite. Hino and Koguma were definitively making progress, but since Chihiro showed up it's reverted to a comedy status quo. And that's basically the only purpose she ever could serve; in a comedy-romance manga between two characters, adding a third wheel isn't contributing to the romance, so it can only be contributing to the comedy, and the comedy isn't what drives the plot forward.

Just read all the chapters since she appeared again and you'll see what I mean. She literally only shows up to revert things to staus quo when there's potential emotional progress. Just because she's a new addition doesn't mean the manga is moving forward, rather, it's getting derailed.

That's not to say nobody is allowed to like her or the manga is objectively worse for her inclusion. If you like the dynamic she adds to the comedy, well, that's why she exists. But she is objectively not driving development.

Literally no ones saying Omichi adds to the development, what Omichi does is add to the comedy, which is the main body of this manga, read the dang thing again, everytime theres a small development the author immediately drops it and goes back to comedy, this is the way the manga is structured.

What yall yellin about Omichi dont understand is that if Omichi hadnt shown up, something else wouldve dragged these two back into romcom schticks, Omichi isn't the game changer here, every romantic moment before Omichi showed up ended up in a gag or slowburn anyway, but since now Omichi is here you are laser focusing on her character as the issue.

You're right, what Omichi does do is add to the comedy, so that when we INEVITABLY drop the romantic moment for a gag (because thats the way the author structured their manga), theres more reactions to bounce around, making the comedy stronger. If you wanna blame something for never developing their romance blame the author and the structure, dont complain about a character thats making the main body of the manga fresher.

last edited at Jan 22, 2020 1:44PM

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