Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Jun 25, 2019

that this sow is pregnant? yeah it's true but what i said after isn't. it's just lame spéculations.

I mean i read the description so i already know about that spoiler partso yeah i was asking about the other part.

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 1:07PM

joined Jul 12, 2018

. I don't think i could continue reading it. I know adult life are not nice and fluffy but for one time i wish author do some adult life yuri with fluff and not angst at every corner. (Already Cheerful Amnesia btw).

well if you haven't read it shall i recommend you wife and wife?

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 10:39AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

well if you haven't read it shall i recommend you wife and wife?

Yeah this one was good too. Also i could recommand Hayama Sensei to Terano Sensei.

joined Jul 12, 2018

oh! thanks! gotta read that!

joined Jul 20, 2014

aw shit the art is AMAZING

joined Mar 22, 2013

This looks like a hell of a ride :O

joined Aug 4, 2018

last edited at Dec 17, 2019 2:46PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

Midori's wedding is coming...
Time for the MC to get her Dustin Hoffman on and pull a Graduate? (⁰͡ ͜ʖ⁰͡ )

joined Sep 15, 2013


joined Oct 25, 2011

I don't think I want to spend x chapters watching her get back together with someone whom she ought to get far away from.

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 11:48AM

joined Apr 16, 2018

If I was in this situation? I’d get off my ass and find a girlfriend JUST so I could go to the wedding as the biggest most out lesbian ever and air all the bride’s dirty laundry.

joined Feb 18, 2015

This is really good so far. Reminds me of some other recent ones, but with better development. I'm looking forward to seeing how much pain Maki gets put through by this unfeeling woman... (Or if she's actually not as unfeeling as she seems...)

joined May 25, 2014

It's almost bittersweet ... only someone forgot the sugar.

The girl on the phone is pretty sweet, maybe she'll save our MC from this insensitive bitch she's in love with

I like most of the works the translation group does, so I'm going to stick with it. That being said, if blondie is hit by a train, I'd be okay with it, especially if it means Maki meets a hot paramedic who is out and has her life in order.

joined May 25, 2014

Oh man, those my-first-love-is-about-to-get-married feels... I'm guessing MC is gonna eventually either intentionally meet or bump into twitter-friend as well. Not sure if this is gonna go down the love triangle route though.

Anyhoo first chapter caught my attention, so I'm keen on seeing where the next chapter takes us!

I just realized my first love is unmarried (altho I never was able to ask her out, and was too chicken to try anything remotely PDA-ish and she's straight, but it was at a Catholic high school in the 90s, so, that was pretty par for the course). Although, 20 years later, I'm married (obviously to someone else) and wish her nothing but happiness.

joined Oct 5, 2015

If the raws are, by chance, completed, and the story doesn't end with them hooking up together because the husband turns out to be cheating or something, feel free to spoil me so I can drop it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

If the raws are, by chance, completed, and the story doesn't end with them hooking up together because the husband turns out to be cheating or something, feel free to spoil me so I can drop it.

Mangaupdate said it's still on going and had 12 chapters. As for the spoil Long story short there is not only cheating but also abuse from Mister husband.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Urk. Beautiful art wasted on a garbage story...

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

bitfarb posted:

Urk. Beautiful art wasted on a garbage story...

My thoughts exactly.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is not a bad story, is just not fluffy and Kyaaa senpai you are so baka! tehee! maybe is just too real for some people. I am not a fan of drama or anguish to be honest but it doesn't make a bad story. Some complains are like "RUN AWAY! BAD THINGS ARE GONNA HAPPEN NOOOOO!" but well, yeah let then happen and let's see what happens after too... Unless this ends in suicide or mass murder or worse... a shota het relation, then is not the end of the world if a story covers a difficult relation.

But just to throw this out there, the author has another yuri work on her website... Seems to be age gap

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 4:44PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

then is not the end of the world if a story covers a difficult relation.

The problem is, it's the cheapest way to make drama. Two girls were in a couple in high school but one of them never take it seriously and end up marrying a guy but then she see the other girl and said "lol still luv u" and end up together in the end because 95% of the times the husband is cheating.I mean, we don't know if she marrying a guy but it's probably that. I wish sometime adult yuri found another way to make dramas.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yeah, this strikes me as "been there, read that". It's okay to do familiar stuff but I like to have some sort of twist to it, or something that'll make me feel as if it's worth "revisiting" an "old" theme with some new inspirations ... this just seems to play it very straight (ha).

It's just chapter one so everything to play for but I'll expect this won't be too memorable for me.

joined Oct 25, 2011

That girl is a bitch but why the fuck would she still has feelings for that bitch after 10 years? Irrational.

Since when was love rational?

joined Oct 22, 2018

To quote Vlatko Vuković in my AHOB's episode 6:

Ooooooooooooooooooohhh... FRICK.

Also, on a more unrelated note: get rid of one of the Ts in the author's name, and you're left with my grandpa's brother-in-law's name. I wonder if it is just coincidence.

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 6:11PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

Damn that hurt.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Just listening MAMAMOO-Destiny while reading it, because I thought they would go well together.

I think "I Miss You" works very good as well.

Also, good art but "ugh" at that first chapter. So tired of seeing this storyline. But, I am going to read it. Sometimes I like pain.

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 6:25PM

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