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joined Jul 26, 2016

^True, but if memory serves Yuna was the one spinning her wheels over doing it as themselves so it rather fell to Hina to make the push - fairly literally too IIRC though it's been a while since I played the game.

joined Aug 26, 2018

^This is what happens when two bottoms have to move the relationship ahead.

joined Mar 5, 2016

a magnificent yuugi

joined Jul 22, 2018

Please forgive me for the length of the following. I wrote this profile of Uchi and would like to share it with all of you, but there is nowhere I can think of to put it but here.


Because I'm unpopular, I've come up with a theory about Uchi.

First, Uchi is normal. Really normal. If we focus our memory right, we'll remember her, and there were a lot of her. The person we'll remember clearest when we remember her is ourselves. No one wants to think so, but at that age I and everyone I really talked to went through it, confused obsessive yearning "love".

Who has not stalked or surveilled someone, while in that state? Everyone has, if only between classes or minutes or seconds a day, paying attention to that puzzling person who infuriatingly may not be someone you understand liking. The rich girl or guy can't shake thoughts about a scruffy, poor kid. The scruffy, poor kid can't stop thinking about a rich kid. Precociously successful users of the other sex start fantasizing about being the passive partners of someone of their own. Proudly ignorant kids secretly envy and yearn for smart kids, and vice versa. "Bad" kids yearn for "good" kids.

All these kids, like Uchi, begin mysteriously appearing where they normally don't belong, paying strange attention in ways people don't associate with them. As Akane said, looking at Uchi walking beside her, "What is she doing here?"

Why? Because we all have voids within that need to be filled in specific, specialized ways. One of those voids is the need to achieve identity through the internalization of difference. Uchi, I think, sees herself as an "Emoji", a simple-minded, simple-faced innocuous person as Tomoko sees her. Her friends value her, but she doesn't know why. She's a cypher to herself, and she feels like a fraud, because like several other kids in the series, especially Yuri, she suspects that she really doesn't exist. Being "normal" is hell. She fucking hates it.

So this perverse, "disgusting" person, this panty-stealing weirdo, suddenly becomes relevant. But desiring an acquaintenance with that person, or an intimate relationship of indeterminate and possibly unwelcome nature, is scary as hell. So Uchi has to see Tomoko as "disgusting" for wanting her and thereby kept at some kind of distance, because Tomoko not wanting her would make Uchi collapse back in upon herself, and she fucking hates herself. But she wants Tomoko.

How? Maybe sexually. I mean, every freaking thing people are when they are teenagers is sexually charged. Sex is the functioning brain. It's more subtle for girls, but still true to a considerable extent.

But really, whatever her sexual draw, Uchi just wants to be Tomoko's friend. She wants to hang out and talk with Tomoko the way Tomoko's "harem" does, because she knows they are real friends who really know the girl she wants to get to know. The irony is that Uchi has a stellar group of friends, and finding her way back around to them will mean she is finally the person who can talk with Tomoko as a friend, who doesn't feel like an emoji, who doesn't hate her own guts.

last edited at Mar 8, 2019 3:58PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

^On the upside that gave us the scene where Hina consults her track-team sempais; and it was glorious.

joined Apr 2, 2013

Sheery's twitter is so funny! MemeFest! ROFL!

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Poor Ucchi crashed so hard in the last chapter. Her friends even figured it out and were being completely supportive, and she still blew it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

^That was pretty swell. Those two were my favorite pair anyway. (PS: It's senpai)

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

I think these two are cute together. While I would have also liked to see Yuna x Ano, it became clear pretty quickly that that wasn't the way things were going. And that's fine.

Although I admit, Ano did feel like an under-utilized character...

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

I personally prefer it when Negom uses the actual characters rather than inserting OCs to satisfy her purple x blue fetish...

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Best ship.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^^Literally interchangeable and equally valid due to being a simple transliteration difference. Prithee do not needlessly insert sticks in orifices where they do not belong.

joined Jun 16, 2015

@venom very true which is sad because it started off so good then it kinda felt like Takako Shimura just lost interest and hurried the last 1/3 or so of the story

joined Jun 16, 2015

cute, but just anytime I see Asami I can't help but think of Lust from FMA

joined Mar 26, 2016

^^^ So freaking true

joined Feb 3, 2013

^ ... ?

joined May 3, 2016

I think I this pairing a lot because of how different they are.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Those could be tears of joy about a ship finally becoming real! ... I can dream.


last edited at Mar 8, 2019 8:53PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

Now THAT is a rare ship

joined Jan 30, 2019

i suddenly love math

joined Jun 18, 2015

Ucchi used Tsundere attack
Ucchi is confused
Is so confused that hurt herself

joined Oct 13, 2014

i want more!

joined Apr 5, 2013

Ucchi is way too cute!
Go Ucchi, win the Tomobowl!!
Team Ucchi

joined Jul 27, 2018

Nice size gap

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