Forum › I Beg of You discussion

joined May 28, 2012

I don't know what going on and I really don't care. The art just made me want to re-read Slamdunk or old chapters of Hunter x Hunter for some reasons.

joined Dec 16, 2014

that is such a bad way to end it. it's like we're only a few pages off to get a satisfying ending. it doesn't even matter if it's an open ending, but come on what was that.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

It was an angle at the start, but became a triangle at the end

joined Sep 4, 2014

Damn i hope there is more!

It's a running series in Galette now, so yes, there is more.

joined Jan 22, 2017

So I guess I have to make up the ending on my own for now...Het end for Tamaki, it is. °3°

last edited at Nov 28, 2018 4:17AM

joined Mar 12, 2014

Well that ending wasn't satisfying at all!

I did really enjoy this though:
yuu: maybe it's not tamaki, but you've liked me all along
nagi: no fucking way


idk why the confusion author is pretty straight up about nagi hidden feelins

last edited at Nov 28, 2018 4:56AM by

joined Dec 28, 2016

Jeez that pacing was a fucking disaster. One non-sequitur after another. Completely impossible to understand what each character is thinking from one scene to the next.

last edited at Nov 28, 2018 6:06AM

joined Mar 1, 2018


joined Jun 12, 2015

Jeez that pacing was a fucking disaster. One non-sequitur after another. Completely impossible to understand what each character is thinking from one scene to the next.

Nah. You just have a problem with reading comprehension.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Tomboy tag?

joined Jun 13, 2012

Nagi should just go and grab Yuu's wrist and get out of there together. Then find a place to do love confession and hug.

joined May 24, 2015

Well fuck

joined Oct 1, 2014

That's polyamory right there, fellas. Nothing to be confused about.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Tamaki is a player, but I'm still unsure who Nagi likes.

joined Aug 15, 2018

Just what the hell

joined Aug 27, 2013

Damn i hope there is more!

It's a running series in Galette now, so yes, there is more.

Hooray! It's being continued. Such cute characters in such a short story, nice!
Now all 3 of them need to hop into bed and get that "Lots of sex" tag! :-)

joined Jun 12, 2015

Damn i hope there is more!

It's a running series in Galette now, so yes, there is more.

Hooray! It's being continued. Such cute characters in such a short story, nice!
Now all 3 of them need to hop into bed and get that "Lots of sex" tag! :-)

It's not a running series. This one-shot has continuation, but it's only two chapters long.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Damn i hope there is more!

It's a running series in Galette now, so yes, there is more.

Hooray! It's being continued. Such cute characters in such a short story, nice!
Now all 3 of them need to hop into bed and get that "Lots of sex" tag! :-)

It's not a running series. This one-shot has continuation, but it's only two chapters long.

That's good enough for me though I'm satisfied with this ending

joined Feb 18, 2015

My take: Nagi takes a liking to Tamaki because she's tall and cool and hot, and realises that Tamaki's friend, Yuu, also feels the same way. Nagi becomes friendly rivals with Yuu, and comes to realise that not only is she cute, she's also funny, dedicated, hardworking, and also a little bit lonely. She meets Tamaki alone, and almost immediately becomes disillusioned, because it turns out that her hot tall butch is also a hot tall player, and she's not as into it as she thought she would be.

She's disappointed, but more than that, she's worried about Yuu, who's invested a hell of a lot more into chasing after Tamaki than Nagi ever did. Yuu knows, though, and doesn't care. She'll work harder to keep Tamaki's attention, if she has to. When Yuu finally runs into Tamaki kissing Yuu, she doesn't care about having "lost" Tamaki, at this point: she just needs to know if this is what Yuu wants, because she's come to care about (and maybe even love) Yuu in a personal way, far outweighing her fleeting, superficial crush on Tamaki. Yuu's smile tells her that this is everything she's ever wanted, and Nagi, who only wants Yuu to be happy, can do nothing but beg Tamaki not to fuck it up.

Nice, thorough take. Basically what I got, too

Exactly! She realized that Tamaki didn't really have much other than looks and the Yuu was kind of a sweet girl, and a bit sad, and she didn't want to see her hurt.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I think all the confusion is deliberate as that's what all of them - even the boi - are feeling and the mangaka conveys that brilliantly. I don't get the polyamory stuff, though. The boi might not care one way or another if some of the fangirls in her harem also kiss each other, does that really count?

joined Jul 20, 2018

LoL why not threesome

joined Jun 20, 2017

Jeez that pacing was a fucking disaster. One non-sequitur after another. Completely impossible to understand what each character is thinking from one scene to the next.

Nah. You just have a problem with reading comprehension.

Most people aren't very used to stories that are open-ended or not driven by cause and effect or led by characters that aren't transparent. I've worked as a photographer on a few "art house" films, so I'm very used to hearing this kind of critique.

last edited at Nov 28, 2018 10:24PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

I read through chapters 2 and 3 (the last chapter), and...

I don't even know what to say. I wish it ended at chapter 1 with the open-ending, LOL.

Chapter 2:

The beginning is fluff. After school's completely over, Nagi finds Tamaki hanging out with a group of girls at night, and they're all smoking. Nagi gets invited over and is offered a cigarette by some chick who kinda looks like Yuu, but Tamaki lies and says Nagi's got asthma, so she can't smoke, and then uses that as an excuse to leave with Nagi. As they're walking home together, Nagi asks about that chick, and Tamaki tells her that her name is Kashiwagi Misaki - her ex-girlfriend.

The next day, Nagi is full of doubt about Tamaki's promise to make Yuu happy. She wonders about whether or not Yuu is aware of Misaki at all, and worries for her. After school, Nagi finds Yuu alone in the classroom, staring at the sky while waiting for Tamaki. The two of them hear a cellphone ring, and it turns out to be Tamaki's. Yuu opens Tamaki's bag and takes her cellphone (damn girl), and here she admits that no matter how many times she tries to erase Misaki from Tamaki's phone, it always seems to get added back. Yuu admits that she kinda tried to imitate Misaki's face (hence the face full of makeup), but she feels like she still has to try harder (to be loved back by Tamaki). Nagi tries to comfort her by hugging her, and Yuu says that at the beginning, she thought she didn't need any friends as long as she had Tamaki, but she was wrong - she wants to be friends with Nagi (who agrees immediately). Tamaki is revealed to have overheard the entire conversation, and comes into the classroom like nothing happened.

Nagi leaves, somewhat ponders over her feelings for Yuu, and decides to go out later at night. She then encounters Misaki on the way to the convenience store, who asks Nagi to stick around because she also called Tamaki. Misaki says that Tamaki's the type that would do anything for her... and cue cliffhanger.

Chapter 3:

The chapter opens with Nagi telling Misaki that Tamaki won't be able to pick her calls up, and that she wouldn't be coming... before bolting off. As Nagi runs away, she spots Tamaki, who is, of course, running towards where Misaki is. Nagi is like "girl wtf', catches her, and drags her away. Nagi tries to tell Tamaki off, saying that being around Misaki is going to make the latter's feelings waver too much. Tamaki asks Nagi if she likes Yuu, and oh god what a surprise, Nagi's thinking to herself, "If only I were Tamaki - then I could hug Yuu more, and hold her tighter."

The next day, Tamaki is watching her phone like a hawk as she meets up with Yuu and Nagi at school. They all notice Misaki walking around. They witness Misaki noticing Tamaki staring at her, but Misaki looks away immediately. This makes Nagi believe that maybe Tamaki didn't end up meeting with Misaki the night before. However, in the classroom, Nagi notices Tamaki continuously staring at her phone. Yuu comes up to Tamaki's desk and is trying to get her attention, which causes Tamaki to drop her phone. Nagi picks it up and asks her if she's waiting for a message from Misaki, to which Tamaki is like "oh nah, she probs broke her phone or something and just didn't tell me, it's fine." Nagi then thinks to herself, "If you're thinking that much about it, then why are you even going out with Yuu?"

In the next class, Yuu tries to excuse herself from the class. Right after she leaves, Tamaki tries to follow her. Turns out, Yuu went to Misaki's classroom instead of the infirmary, and has Misaki's phone in her hands. Tamaki walks in and is like "wtf you doing here?", and Yuu's like "I'm gonna break Misaki's phone nbd!". Tamaki takes Misaki's phone out of her hands, and apologizes. Yuu knows immediately that Tamaki's apologizing for not being able to love her, and starts getting a little desperate. She says that she'll become Misaki if she has to, but Tamaki tells her not to do that. Tamaki explains that Misaki was the first person to have accepted and returned her feelings, so she tried to play the same role for Yuu, but she can't do it anymore. Tamaki walks out, Yuu tries to follow her, and Nagi for whatever reason is also playing hooky at this point, and Yuu's begging for Tamaki to stay with her. Tamaki gives them one last look before running off, still with Misaki's phone in her hands.

The next day, Yuu comes to school without her overload of makeup (which was presumably her attempt at trying to look like Misaki), and everybody's like "wtf she looks different", and Nagi comes in with her haircut exactly like Tamaki's. She tells Yuu she'll become Tamaki, and compliments Yuu on attending school even after what happened. Yuu tells Nagi that she just wants her to be herself. Nagi says the same thing to Yuu, and tells her she's cute and amazing, and starts crying. Nagi apologizes for crying, but Yuu tells her it's fine, and to cry more.

last edited at Nov 29, 2018 6:02AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016


My one problem with the ending is that Tamaki's motives are confusing. Did she try dating Yuu because she actually liked her, only to dump her after discovering how fucking creepy she was? Did she try to like Yuu but realized her lingering affection for Misaki made that impossible? Did her perception of Nagi's affection for Yuu (and Yuu's for Nagi) affect her decision? What she says to her about being to Yuu what Misaki was to her almost makes it seem like she thinks she was doing her a favor. I just don't understand who she is and why she does what she does.

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