Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Feb 15, 2016

^ Hola! (^.^)/

Not much... Start of a new week... gotta do some stuff today... maybe I'll drop in again later...

What about you?
How are things going?

Job hunting, a few quarrels with people around me, the usual stuff pretty much. Life is so quick when you're unemployed.. at this point I'm just waiting for a new school year to begin so I can be a student once again^^

joined Dec 15, 2015

One of my current favorite yuri just finished, and became one of my all time favorite. Duh, I like Yoshida Chyuu !


I got your email address too by the way things went. Not that I need to talk to you in private though ^^
So everyone s having a shitty week, uh

joined Feb 4, 2015


Good to see you here again! (^_^)b

Well, for like half a day, then I'll stop again xD

joined Dec 24, 2014

@ Rina

I'm old-fashioned...

But you can write me an email:
You took too long... O_O

I legit dozed off after asking that - was nothing important though.

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 7:43AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Seeing how difficult it could be to follow through the pages, the usage of emails seems a lot more ordered way of communication...
Is Discord similar to Steam xD

Seeing how difficult it could be to follow through the pages, the usage of emails seems a lot more ordered way of communication...
Is Discord similar to Steam xD

PS Sis it appears that all of my 2 emails contain my name&last namexD, I will have to make another one xD when I get home

Thank you, Rina :)
So it's not such a bad idea that I don't use Skype very often.

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 8:34AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ It's like Skype only way less buggy.

joined Dec 24, 2014

The link is still valid guys (I think)

Thank you, Rina :)
So it's not such a bad idea that I don't use Skype very often.

Do join the channel, it's a good alternative if the forums fail.

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 8:49AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

Seeing how difficult it could be to follow through the pages, the usage of emails seems a lot more ordered way of communication...
Is Discord similar to Steam xD

Seeing how difficult it could be to follow through the pages, the usage of emails seems a lot more ordered way of communication...
Is Discord similar to Steam xD

PS Sis it appears that all of my 2 emails contain my name&last namexD, I will have to make another one xD when I get home

Thank you, Rina :)
So it's not such a bad idea that I don't use Skype very often.

Kind of.. much better and clearer. Like a hybrid between it and Skype.

Also, good idea Sis!

joined Feb 4, 2015

^ It's like Skype only way less buggy.

Right right but skype has awesome emotes so ;_;

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Seven Samurai is legit awesome and you can see elements that eventually resurfaced in films like Star Wars in it.

It was also a partial influence on Genesis Climber MOSPEADA (aka Robotech: The New Generation outside Japan) for us old folks that remember it.

I am honestly surprised anyone else remembers that.

I remember seeing a few episodes of Mospeada at a con, the year before Robotech was aired (we only got half of the last series around here, for some reason), and quite liked it. Back in the days when "Carl Macek" was synonymous with "chainsaw editing".

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I also remember the original English pilot for Robotech, which had (terrible) lyrics to the theme song. They aired it at that same convention.

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 10:12AM

joined Jul 14, 2016

I remember seeing a few episodes of Mospeada at a con, the year before Robotech was aired (we only got half of the last series around here, for some reason), and quite liked it. Back in the days when "Carl Macek" was synonymous with "chainsaw editing". I also remember the original English pilot for Robotech, which had (terrible) lyrics to the theme song. They aired it at that same convention.

That was the one thing that bothered me about fans of my generation is they ragged on Carl mercilessly. He actually did a great deal to make anime popular in the US (people forget his work founding Streamline Video). Some rather vocal idjits celebrated when he died a few years ago, which shows you how bad fandom can be at times.

As for me, I'm still a fan of Robotech (though I prefer The Masters War as shown by my avatar, followed by The New Generation with The Macross Saga dead last). Often times people will say 'Just watch Macross and you'll love it", to which I reply "I've watched all but Delta (which I saw the first episode and decided it wasn't for me), including the entirety of Macross 7 (blech) and Macross Frontier (which was nicely animated, but the story not so great IMHO).

As for the HG dub version of Macross, the opening sounds like someone trying to imitate old Blue Eyes Frank Sinatra..

The only good thing about being a Robotech fan now is the works done by fans of the series (since the IP owners are jackholes) like Robotech: Visions (a Facebook web comic series).

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, one thing about Maceck is that he was tearing up Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeada into tiny bits to make Robotech out of at a time when fans were finally starting to get royally sick of similar things being done for ages, such as Corman's dub of Galaxy Express 999, Warriors Of the Wind, or the godawful Battle Of the Planets. At the same time, more and more of them were coming in contact with the real thing, and some of the first fansubbing groups were starting up around then. I remember reading rec.arts.anime on USENET and seeing Robert Woodhead talking about how fans should start actual companies to license and distribute accurate subs, right before he put his money where his mouth was with Animeigo.

All that made Carl a bit of an anachronism, taking a rather less than loved approach as the fandom had already started to reject the idea that you had to change anime to make western audiences accept it.

joined Jul 14, 2016

I think one of the biggest misunderstandings many later fans have about Robotech is that it wasn't geared towards the emergent anime fandom. Say what you will, but it had a more broad appeal and when it aired, it literally was so far ahead of the pack it wasn't even funny. The fact is that most American kids/teens (at least) had little exposure to cartoons where people died (unless they were my age and remembered Star Blazers from the late 70s/early 80s).

Of course, nowadays you couldn't do something like Robotech, let alone Voltron (which used the same formula with Go Lion and Dairugger XV). They are artifacts of a different era, when globalization really started to kick off.


I don't begrudge anyone for liking or not liking Macross or Robotech. My ire is mainly directed now at the IP holders of the Robotech franchise due to the current Creative Director being a jagoff who has gone out of his way to downplay (if not outright ignore) The Masters War (SDC: Southern Cross).

joined Dec 24, 2014

So I just spoiled myself to the ending of MahouKei…not worth following

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think one of the biggest misunderstandings many later fans have about Robotech is that it wasn't geared towards the emergent anime fandom. Say what you will, but it had a more broad appeal and when it aired, it literally was so far ahead of the pack it wasn't even funny. The fact is that most American kids/teens (at least) had little exposure to cartoons where people died (unless they were my age and remembered Star Blazers from the late 70s/early 80s).

Possibly, but as other shows that came later, and the eventual success of Studio Ghibli films (actually, there was a dubbed version of Totoro much earlier than the Disney releases) proved, changing anime to suit a western audience wasn't necessary in the first place. It's entirely possible that translating Macross and other shows directly would have gone over just as well as the heavily altered version that was Robotech.

There's really no evidence that the approach Maceck or Saban took really was any more an effective approach than the much less altered Dragonball that came afterwards.

I don't begrudge anyone for liking or not liking Macross or Robotech. My ire is mainly directed now at the IP holders of the Robotech franchise due to the current Creative Director being a jagoff who has gone out of his way to downplay (if not outright ignore) The Masters War (SDC: Southern Cross).

It's not even that I don't like Robotech. I did like it and watched it same as everyone else at the time. But I do question how necessary it was (aside from needing a certain number of episodes which Macross didn't originally have) to take that approach.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rina

You still around?

joined Dec 24, 2014


joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Utoptia

I got your email address too by the way things went. Not that I need to talk to you in private though ^^

I don't mind. You can keep it and use it in case you ever want or have to.
Just write your Dynasty username in the subject line... I usually delete spam mails without bothering to take a closer look at it...

So everyone s having a shitty week, uh

… I wouldn't exactly call it shitty... just bothersome somehow.
People seem a little on edge lately... not just here ;)
How are you holding up?

@ Galich

Job hunting, a few quarrels with people around me, the usual stuff pretty much. Life is so quick when you're unemployed.. at this point I'm just waiting for a new school year to begin so I can be a student once again^^

Yeah... people are stressed lately... which often leads to some conflicts... sounds like we're in for a happy and cheerful Christmas time again this year! ^^

Unfortunately it's also really quick when you are employed... no matter what you do, time just flies by at the speed of light... T_T

Are you in therapy yet...?
Or did you change your mind about that?
I thought you wanted to get your life back on track before going back to university...


Well, for like half a day, then I'll stop again xD

You on some secret mission we don't know of...? (´⊙ω⊙`)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ

joined Jun 22, 2016

come join us on the discord server! ^ o ^

Not really into stuff like that.
Also see no real reason to swap.

joined Jul 14, 2016

Possibly, but as other shows that came later, and the eventual success of Studio Ghibli films (actually, there was a dubbed version of Totoro much earlier than the Disney releases) proved, changing anime to suit a western audience wasn't necessary in the first place. It's entirely possible that translating Macross and other shows directly would have gone over just as well as the heavily altered version that was Robotech.

Yes and no. Harmony Gold had already done a direct translation of the first few episodes of Macross and released them direct-to-video. The difference being that Robotech reached a much broader audience by being released on Tv. I know some think that something more along the lines of Force Five (ie - anthology series) might have worked better. Like I said, its an artifact of a different era.


All I know is that had it not been for Robotech, I would never have been exposed to awesome animation like this (given that Southern Cross was not popular in Japan and is far more well known in the US).

joined Jan 19, 2014

I'm not having a shitty week! QAQ I mean yeh it's Monday but today's drama lesson was so awsome!! We are doing a play called "the homecoming" by Harold Pinter and today we were doing improvisation (which is my fav) and I was playing the Charecter Ruth and like when the other actor playing started going onto me in the scene I just felt his energy so I got so angry and like screamed and cried at him, my class was crying after I did that too lol XD all the other lessons were pretty ok..

joined Dec 15, 2015

come join us on the discord server! ^ o ^

Not really into stuff like that.
Also see no real reason to swap.

I guess I'll refrain from participating too. Have fun on discord guys.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Neko chan

That sounds impressive!
I wish I could be as outgoing as that...
I never liked it when people watch me...

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 12:42PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

@ Neko chan

That sounds impressive!
I wish I could be as outgoing as that...
I never liked it when people watch me...

Thanks xx but it's totally fine cos you go into what ever you feel most comfortable doing! 0w0 I personally have always enjoyed being in front of a audience since I was small and like giving it my all to impress them but there are so many other espects I don't have that others have. For example my best friend is more into animations and art right now and she does some pretty amazing stuff! And she one year younger then me (not that I'm jelly or anything =w=) but yeh, everyone has their cup of tea ;3

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 12:47PM

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