Forum › Her Pet by Pito (lezhin)

joined Jun 11, 2016


last edited at Nov 18, 2016 8:16PM by Nezchan

joined Mar 28, 2015

Can't say I'm impressed by the direction it's taking.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Can't say I'm impressed by the direction it's taking.

I miss the days of cute, relatively angst-free pet-play.

Furukawa Kagome
joined Jul 6, 2015

When will the chapter 53 come out?

joined Oct 16, 2013

Is chapter 54 missing some parts? It feels incomplete as well and kinda weird.

Furukawa Kagome
joined Jul 6, 2015

Is chapter 54 missing some parts? It feels incomplete as well and kinda weird.

I think so too

last edited at Aug 28, 2016 6:25AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

I'll ask about it

joined Jan 27, 2016

And with that Gayoon has cut her last tie to humanity.

joined Sep 21, 2014

I wonder what she'd said. Nothing we learned from Yurim was appalling or anything, idk what she could possibly know that's of interest. Maybe she'll word it in a fucked up way
Ah that reminds me, remember in chp 26, the end of the first arc/part I think, Yurim looked at Soha playing with Gayoon and commented on how she's still treating ppl like dogs or something, I dont really remember. I dont think i know what she meant by that. It sounded like she knew all kinds of fucked up shit about her, but then her arc was really just about her regression, and how Soha made things hard for her, wasnt it? Or perhaps she just didnt specify >_>

joined Apr 23, 2016

Well, she seems to think of Soha as a very manipulative person. So yeah, she's probably going to tell Soha's past and word it in a fucked up way, but Gayoon will probably interpret it in a different way or something.

Maybe she was referring to that red headed boxer chick. That wasn't really Soha treating her like a dog, but Yurim might've interpreted it that way. There's also the possibility Soha did do fucked up things and literally treated people exactly how she treats Gayoon; a literal dog. Not sure why Soha would have had more than 1 "dog buddy." Maybe she has played with the red head's emotions before! Dunno, maybe we'll find out more in the next chapter and things stop being speculation. ono

joined Oct 16, 2013

I was a little put off by Soo tricking Gayoon into eating dog treats. I know it was a friendly joke, but it was pretty insensitive. Sure Soo doesn't know that Gayoon has been feeling really bad about her pet play situation, but eh....not a fan of that joke. I felt bad for Gayoon :/

joined Apr 9, 2013

there's no update? owo

joined Sep 21, 2014

I probs forgot some details, but I'm low key lost now

joined Oct 16, 2013

gasp are they finally gonna have THE talk!? (whatever that talk is)

joined Apr 23, 2016

The bully wanted to explain that Soha wasn't really helping Gayoon because she was nice, she was just using her to manage her anger. Gayoon wanted to know more about Soha because she felt like she was being kept in the dark, so she went to this chick that offered information. Gayoon's been feeling like she doesn't matter to Soha, and she's just there to be Happy, and that it's all she's useful for.

She compared her to Yurim? (god I'm bad at names, the red boxer chick.) Gayoon doesn't believe a word she says, then when the time comes Gayoon becomes "Happy" again, she's probably gonna ask Soha if she really cares about her; or if she's just her toy. Probably, considering how she reacted when the bully went all, "Soha is a bad guy too."

... or she's gonna confess her love. :^)

joined Sep 6, 2016

This manhwa turned out waaaaaaay different than its opening chapters.

Still I hope Gayoon (Gay who is turned Oon ??) wouldn't be much affected by it considering its not a big deal.

I mean come on, your crush still cares about you. That's what matters.

joined Sep 21, 2014

I guess it's like the time Yurim snapped and started beating up everyone around her/everyone that harassed her, how Soha beating up everyone that was there when Gayoon was getting harassed was no different. Yurim was regarded as someone cruel and terrifying (tho she did go on to become just that). She fought back in self defense and well, and more than just self defense. Soha did beat up everyone too, she also went over what is probs enough to defend Gayoon, but it seemed heroic and strong.
I think that's perhaps the point the mask girl tried to make. Perhaps initially, it was for Gayoon, but then it was just overkill, and that Gayoon's admiration for Soha was misplaced.

Hm, it puzzles me how Soha watched Gayoon at a distance, obviously enough for Yurim to notice, and only snapped when it was Gayoon getting beaten up (didn't take action when others were bullied). That implies that like, Gayoon is special in a way right? Yet iirc, in the first chapters, she didn't recognise Gayoon at all. She got involved in such a big brawl, took down multiple girls, yet doesn't recognise the girl she supposedly fought to defend.

joined Aug 19, 2016

Yet iirc, in the first chapters, she didn't recognise Gayoon at all. She got involved in such a big brawl, took down multiple girls, yet doesn't recognise the girl she supposedly fought to defend.

Oh my god! That's true I totally forgot about that. Man, I love Soha and all, but the mask girl was pretty on point with saying Soha's justice just turned into overkill, with her completely forgetting Gayoon and all

last edited at Sep 7, 2016 11:49PM

joined Sep 8, 2016

I found this forum looking for "her pet" I read the first chapters on lehzin and immediately had to get caught up on all the chapters. first off i think its all beautifully drawn and written. I am totally in love with it! I want to thank Faust for continually keeping the chapter post updated. I actually joined this site today (obviously) because I wanted to be a part of this amazing forum I found! Everyone here is super excited about the whole thing, its amazing!

I'm really drawn to this story for many reasons. The main one is probably because my girlfriend and I are fully committed to pet-play, its a huge part of our daily lives (we rarely break role because it is second nature to us), and its a subject that gets very little attention in mainstream media. Granted Gayoon and Soha approach the topic, and practice, in a slightly different manner than most. It's supposed to be a very intimate experience for both parties who have decided it is something they both want to commit to (generally for similar reasons, but not always). At this point in the story, i'm not entirely confident in Soha's reasoning and feelings on the relationship. I'd like to think i'm, at the very least, a reliable source for a living account in this situation however, that depends on everyone else deciding whether or not my opinion here is worth it's salt. All the same, i'm super happy I found "her pet" and this forum! much love to you all! <3

P.S. Using a leash in full view in public does illicit many stares. Most people are not accustomed to seeing a girl on a leash being lead around by another girl. If anyone here is considering pet-play and wishes to go all out, be prepared to be gawked at and, occasionally, questioned by "concerned citizens". Many people don't understand the lifestyle.

joined Aug 19, 2012

I remember this, heard season 1 ended.

Have season 2 started? is the series still ongoing?

joined Jun 5, 2016

This series is still ongoing, and updates regularly on Lezhin.

joined Aug 11, 2015

Hm, it puzzles me how Soha watched Gayoon at a distance, obviously enough for Yurim to notice, and only snapped when it was Gayoon getting beaten up (didn't take action when others were bullied). That implies that like, Gayoon is special in a way right? Yet iirc, in the first chapters, she didn't recognize Gayoon at all. She got involved in such a big brawl, took down multiple girls, yet doesn't recognize the girl she supposedly fought to defend.

Well, remember that it's been at least two years since Yurim bullied Gayoon. Yurim and Soha were at least 2nd years in middle school when that happened, and they are now at least second years in high school, while Gayoon had just started her first year of high school when she met Yurim again.

In middle school, Soha only paid attention to Gayoon because she looked like Happy, and she did not interact with Gayoon at all outside of stepping in after Yurim went out of her way to get Soha's attention. It was a life-changing moment for Gayoon, but it was just a way for Soha to let her anger out.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

WonderfulStride posted:

I'd like to think i'm, at the very least, a reliable source for a living account in this situation however, that depends on everyone else deciding whether or not my opinion here is worth it's salt.

Nah. As someone who actually has experience with it, I think your opinion is way more reliable than just guessing and using common senses (and can you really use them in this case?) like I assume most of people here do. Since you spoke up, if I might ask, how far exactly you guys took it and how you make it work with your normal day to day life? From what I know about bdsm etc. there are 2 ways to approach it. Either it is only something that you do in bed/during specific time or it become integral part of your life. From what it seems you went for second option and this one is much harder to balance properly and can screw you if end up taking it too far.

joined Sep 8, 2016

WonderfulStride posted:

I'd like to think i'm, at the very least, a reliable source for a living account in this situation however, that depends on everyone else deciding whether or not my opinion here is worth it's salt.

Nah. As someone who actually has experience with it, I think your opinion is way more reliable than just guessing and using common senses (and can you really use them in this case?) like I assume most of people here do. Since you spoke up, if I might ask, how far exactly you guys took it and how you make it work with your normal day to day life? From what I know about bdsm etc. there are 2 ways to approach it. Either it is only something that you do in bed/during specific time or it become integral part of your life. From what it seems you went for second option and this one is much harder to balance properly and can screw you if end up taking it too far.

Its pretty simple, the system we have. I am in role basically all the time. We don't always use the leash in public but she is still my master and I treat her as such. I wear a collar 24/7 as well. We aren't part of any groups or anything so we can do as we please for the most part. At home I am her pet (ironic for this forum) and she is my master. We love each other and its all mutual. I love the relationship we have and I wouldn't give it up for the world. She saved me from a bad place in my life and this relationship really reinforces the ideas of ownership and protection. As you can guess its a really big deal to mess with a Dom's sub.

joined Sep 6, 2016

This seriously turned waaaaay off the track. I had different exceptions for this manga. Sigh.

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