Forum › Fluttering Feelings [SPOILER THREAD]

joined Aug 29, 2013

Darn anonymous you outran me again, i was about to post it lol

That picture was so nice. Seol-a looked so pretty. chmartx once again has outdone herself

last edited at Feb 10, 2016 11:12PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Thanks for posting that translation, and thanks to taeyeonlikesgirls too if she is around (offtopic its funny to write your name)

ssamba is cute lol, by the way I was kinda surprised reading that she went to watch Carol and there were old ladies too. Knowing how closed minded a lot of old people in SK are about same sex relationships.
I wonder if she got more inspiration for future FF chapters.

joined Mar 28, 2014

oh, Carol... I actually didn't like the movie too much tbh, but I haven't read the book. And from reading the plot on wiki, i'd imagine Carol being a lot different from how she's depicted in the movie. But then who am I to judge. In any case, I don't see Carol as Seola at all. I find Carol to be a lot more mature, when it comes to her personality, I mean, not age. I think that unlike Seola, Carol is quite a sly character who knows exactly what she wants from Therese from the very start. Ah, whatever..

joined Aug 29, 2013

@takachi, lol it was merely for eyegarsm. She drew it beautifully.
If you've already seen the movie, I'd like to share with you quite a well written analysis of Carol, comparing both the movie and the book
EDIT: And yes, our Seolrae had plenty of gazes like that as well, which made me love them in the first place.

last edited at Feb 11, 2016 6:43AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Carol is not a "fun" story. It's a story of will and significant for its earliness in lesbian-themed novels, which is the reason why I read it. If you can't put yourself in the context of the times, I'd imagine it's hard to appreciate.

Considering how nuanced the story is, I think it was an excellent transition to the screen. Carol's character borders on the edge of cruel and manipulative and Therese on the edge of having no backbone. For Therese, her character's maturation is near the end, and Carol's handling toward the very end (post road trip) can put off a lot of those who managed to sympathize with her position through that point of the journey.

I agree with @gugu09 that Carol comes across as more persistent in the movie, but I think the novel's Carol would be even more off-putting to movie goers. Likewise, I think the novel took more time to show Therese's wavering, which would've felt extra draggy to watch. The novel's pacing is pretty slow compared to what you'd expect out of a movie.

I intend to watch the move again (and maybe a few more times), but I'm satisfied with one reading of The Price of Salt. There are many other non-tragic lesbian endings to read these days. We've got FF, right. ( ^__^)


@takachi, lol it was merely for eyegarsm. She drew it beautifully.
If you've already seen the movie, I'd like to share with you quite a well written analysis of Carol, comparing both the movie and the book
EDIT: And yes, our Seolrae had plenty of gazes like that as well, which made me love them in the first place.

Nice link. Don't have time to read it now, but thanks for sharing.

last edited at Feb 11, 2016 9:47PM

joined Jan 17, 2016


So... now that I'm a lil (just a lil) calm down about our OTP, I've been wondering if Ssamba still has anything in store for Ina. The part time job has ended. The ski trip has ended (not sure if Ssamba will continue showing the last day of trip). It seems like there's no reason for Seol-a and No-rae to see Ina anymore. Unlike with Ji-hwan, I think I'm actually gonna miss Ina. She still hasn't been fully explored as her character deserves.... Or maybe since Seol-a has sensed that Ina knew about her feelings for No-rae, she will take up on Ina's suggestion to hang out and get their nails done lol. Ina had her vague "love" talk with No-rae, maybe she will give one to Seol-a. Oys I don't know. I'll friggin' miss this entire cast next year for sure.

I was wondering about this too. She's just begging for more backstory and development. Maybe we'll get a special chapter on her sometime, like with Yu-ji. I also have a feeling she may find some way to stick around in the story though (read: "mostly baseless feeling and hope because I want to see more Ina"). At the very least, unlike Ji-hwan and Sung-pyo (and even Yu-ji in a way), Ina doesn't have to be removed from the story. She's not in the way of anything. She's not something that needs to be overcome and put behind them before they can move forward. If anything she still has the potential to be a catalyst and help things along. And if not, I hope she at least comes back at some point because I really enjoy her scenes.

joined Aug 29, 2013

So I've just reread some of FF again for the zillionth time, and got so frustrated because it made me have all these wonderful thoughts and beautiful feelings but I don't have the vocab and writing skill to put them in a coherent manner. *Urg*
But I gotta say with how the latest chapters unfold, rereading FF has been hella fun and much more enjoyable. There were so many layers in every chapter and now I realized they all intertwined or connected with each other at some point later in the story. Rarely was there a wasted scene with no intention or purpose behind.

ACT 1 (ch 1-19):
What a great job Ssamba did in the first act to introduce our characters, and concluded when No-rae and Seol-a overcame the initial hurdles to become friends. Rereading this act has always been a pleasure. The attraction was always so strong between the two characters. No-rae's glances watching Seol-a in class or at party, or Seol-a's gazes admiring No-rae cuteness when she eats just pulled me right into the story.

But better than that was the awkward tension between them after the unspoken misunderstanding. From the scene where Seol-a froze contemplating whether she should approach and talk to No-rae at the bench, to the gazes she gave No-rae at the restaurant, to that awkward moment when Seol-a suddenly stopped No-rae entering her home building, only to awkwardly wish her get home safe. No-rae on the other hand was a lil harder to read. But you could tell from her hesitating to call Seol-a in the morning of the MT trip, to her secret glance at Seol-a at the beach. Yes, those secret glances at each other (that unfortunately never met) throughout MT trip was quite engaging to me. The tension was delicately presented portraying their strong desire to be freely by each other side, to easily approach each other but was yet able to. The invisible wall was then broken the next morning by their moment alone, together watching sunrise (symbolizing a new stage of their relationship). Finally that they could entitle themselves the seat next to each other on the train home, with No-rae's sleeping on Seol-a's shoulders. What a good moment to close the curtain of the first act.

Nice to read again moment:

Immediately after No-rae admitting the ocean made her feel sentimental, she asked Ji-hwan about Seol-a lol.
I like how Seol-a started to seep into No-rae's thoughts everywhere, and how she kept wondering why the rumor about Seol-a and Ji-hwan used to date kept her being concerned. Anyway I just love how they thought about each other all the time. Period.
Fun finding:
I suppose a lot of us remember this fun extra:

But has anyone noticed the stages? From Seol-a being energetic running to see sunrise, to her being sleepy watching sunrise, to her not wanting to wake up and go at all. Note that she was with different companion each time. I always thought it was funny, and nice to remember how different "Seol-a before No-rae" and "Seol-a after No-rae" were.

Don't you agree that our Seol-rae has come such a long way to what we've just got in Chapter 63? The journey was what made it feel so satisfying.

*Off I go to read act 2 again for the n-th time, with n>50*
jk about the 50

joined Dec 26, 2015

Is it just me or am I the only one who would love to see more of No-rae's family? I'm especially interested in seeing how the both of them will act in front of them when they do visit. And like...I really want to see No-rae's sister? Like can you imagine Seol-a trying to get in the good books of No-rae's unnie? (she seems to be quite the character from the .001 of a second we saw her)

joined Aug 29, 2013

Is it just me or am I the only one who would love to see more of No-rae's family? I'm especially interested in seeing how the both of them will act in front of them when they do visit. And like...I really want to see No-rae's sister? Like can you imagine Seol-a trying to get in the good books of No-rae's unnie? (she seems to be quite the character from the .001 of a second we saw her)

She's studying abroad in the US. Even if she does come back to visit, the most plausible time is during the summer, which is a semester away in the story's timeline. I myself don't have any hope for that lol

joined Feb 19, 2014

im pretty sure the bro has already sensed the sexual tension. ^_^ or awkward tension. whatever it is.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Fun finding:
I suppose a lot of us remember this fun extra:

But has anyone noticed the stages? From Seol-a being energetic running to see sunrise, to her being sleepy watching sunrise, to her not wanting to wake up and go at all. Note that she was with different companion each time.

I never realised this, it is actually true. Not sure if Ssamba did it on purpose or it just happened. If she did, i could say that it shows the development of Seol-A's attitude towards relationships.
When she started dating she was more excited and maybe impulsive about choosing her lovers. After some time that wore off and she didn't find it fun anymore. Essentially the progress of her growing up and leaving some habits back.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 9:16AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

I'm just posting 'cause tomorrow. And I'm excited. Whether folks are going to be squealing or raising pitch forks, it's going to be interesting. Ha-ha.

joined Aug 29, 2013

Even their road trip on the way to No-rae's hometown would be interesting too lol. Ssamba made me appreciate every single moment they're together, no matter what they're doing. F*ck I'm so excited for tomorrow.

joined Oct 22, 2015

The thing is, for me, Seol-a always had the bigger crush of the two, or at least, was the 1st one to realize and recognize her feelings.

After the last chapter technically ANY doubts she might have had about No-rae reciprocating her feelings HAS to be gone. Because, at least in the 'real world' when you get someone 2.5 inches away from your lips it's either your dentist or someone just about to kiss you.

I'm curious to see if Ssamba will try to undo that narrative progression in a believable way somehow. I hope not.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 3:46PM

joined Aug 29, 2013


The thing is, for me, Seol-a always had the bigger crush of the two, or at least, was the 1st one to realize and recognize her feelings.

Rere, the thing is No-rae was the first one to realize her feelings. She chose to run away to protect herself (then came back)

After the last chapter technically ANY doubts she might have had about No-rae reciprocating her feelings HAS to be gone. Because, at least in the 'real world' when you get someone 2.5 inches away from your lips is either your dentist or someone just about to kiss you.

I'm curious to see if Ssamba will try to undo that narrative progression in a believable way somehow. I hope not.

Nooooooo. No matter which angle you read it, there's no denial they were both ready for the kiss at that moment. Especially in that last panel you posted, No-rae's eyelashes position showed that she closed her eyes.

And if you read the whole movement, No-rae was slowly leaning her head to the side as she got closer. Notice her nostril was gradually showing.


joined Oct 22, 2015

Rere, the thing is No-rae was the first one to realize her feelings. She chose to run away to protect herself (then came back)

I think I kind of disagree. At least while I was rereading all the chapters again, I noticed at first how Seol-a is constantly remarking on how 'cute' No-rae is. And by chapter 3 she is already lusting after No-rae lips (either that or she really likes lollipops...)

Nooooooo. No matter which angle you read it, there's no denial they were both ready for the kiss at that moment. Especially in that last panel you posted, No-rae's eyelashes position showed that she closed her eyes.

And if you read the whole movement, No-rae was slowly leaning her head to the side as she got closer. Notice her nostril was gradually showing.


I agree. So natural progression says we should now go from "What should I do?" to "When are we doing it?". (I meant kissing, you dirty minded people) :P

joined Aug 29, 2013


I think I kind of disagree. At least while I was rereading all the chapters again, I noticed at first how Seol-a is constantly remarking on how 'cute' No-rae is. And by chapter 3 she is already lusting after No-rae lips (either that or she really likes lollipops...)

I wasn't disagreeing with you about how Seol-a had a bigger crush though, just the part about she realized it first. To me Seol-a was pretty clueless about her feelings, that it was romantic, until the hospital scene. But yes, she was the first that wanted to act on her feelings. No-rae on the other hand kinda just reacted on her feelings, and wanted to play it safe to protect herself.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 4:16PM

joined Oct 22, 2015

I wasn't disagreeing with you about how Seol-a had a bigger crush though, just the part about she realized it first. To me Seol-a was pretty clueless about her feelings, that it was romantic, until the hospital scene. But yes, she was the first that wanted to act on her feelings. No-rae on the other hand kinda just reacted on her feelings, and wanted to play it safe to protect herself.

Fair point. They just kind of reacted as their 'personality' would allow.

Then I suppose we will continue taking a tour through Jane Austen works.... from "Pride and Prejudice" to "Persuasion". (I just hope it doesn't take 8 years for them to finally be together....)

joined Jan 10, 2016

Just out of curiosity, who do you all want to confess first? (Maybe I'll put this up as a poll, but probably not now since there's a chapter dropping soon)

  • A: No-rae
  • B: Seol-a
  • C: Both - Simultaneous confessions ftw, coincidental timing be damned
  • D: Neither - Who needs confessions? They should jump straight to kissing
  • E: Neither - Frustrated feelings forever <3
joined Aug 29, 2013

I think most of us, including myself, would want No-rae to confess first. But I'd go with D.
No-rae already had a confession from Sung-Pyo, Ji-hwan, and a failed attempt by Seol-a. So I don't want to see Seol-a be the one who do all the work. But with No-rae's personality, it's hard to imagine her to pull up the courage to open her mouth to speak up, maybe to kiss would be a easier to imagine scenario hahah

joined Jan 17, 2016

I Definitely want no rae to confess first ..cuz seola already tried and failed norae has such a cool and collected character that it would be inertesting to see all her walls break ..but this is ssamba we're talking about so it would be 3 more chapters before anything else happens again but no matter what the next chapter is going to be a lot of awkward that foe sure.

joined Dec 26, 2015

Personally I'm all for No-rae confessing first. It kind of builds on her narrative of getting past the pain of past relationships and taking control and not being afraid of new beginnings. However, I wouldn't mind if Seol-a confessed first either because then it'll show her personal growth in the way she has relationships. This time it'll be for real, and not some fling.

joined Jan 31, 2015


Just out of curiosity, who do you all want to confess first? (Maybe I'll put this up as a poll, but probably not now since there's a chapter dropping soon)

  • A: No-rae
  • B: Seol-a
  • C: Both - Simultaneous confessions ftw, coincidental timing be damned
  • D: Neither - Who needs confessions? They should jump straight to kissing
  • E: Neither - Frustrated feelings forever <3


I think most of us, including myself, would want No-rae to confess first. But I'd go with D.
No-rae already had a confession from Sung-Pyo, Ji-hwan, and a failed attempt by Seol-a. So I don't want to see Seol-a be the one who do all the work. But with No-rae's personality, it's hard to imagine her to pull up the courage to open her mouth to speak up, maybe to kiss would be a easier to imagine scenario hahah


I Definitely want no rae to confess first ..cuz seola already tried and failed norae has such a cool and collected character that it would be inertesting to see all her walls break ..but this is ssamba we're talking about so it would be 3 more chapters before anything else happens again but no matter what the next chapter is going to be a lot of awkward that foe sure.


Personally I'm all for No-rae confessing first. It kind of builds on her narrative of getting past the pain of past relationships and taking control and not being afraid of new beginnings. However, I wouldn't mind if Seol-a confessed first either because then it'll show her personal growth in the way she has relationships. This time it'll be for real, and not some fling.

I may be in the minority, but I really would prefer no confession.

Just my view, but I never liked confessions in stories all that much. Also, it's also a trope that I feel is overused. Now, not to get into a huge tangent about tropes/cliches, but in short, I don't feel all tropes are "bad" per se, but The Confession™ is one that is seen really frequently in yuri stories, and heck, romance/love stories in general across all mediums, even including movies. To me, it seems like such a "typical" way to get a relationship started. Not necessarily a "bad" way, just... really typical. My hope is that FF, being mostly not typical in its storytelling and plot progression (IMO, of course), would avoid this trope.

Also, though stories != real life, how often do relationships IRL start with a straight-up confession? OK, YMMV definitely, and anything that anyone says, including myself, is purely anecdotal and not... scientifically or statistically proven. But I would think most relationships start in a more "natural" way? As in... both people know they like each other, not with some sort of major "profession of love" at a single point in time, but rather, through spending time with each other over a period of time, there is an unsaid awareness from both sides that they are attracted to and have feelings for one another. And in such a case, a confession would be purely... redundant? Is this too crazy of a thought? ;P

Now, if FF really does go with a "traditional" direct confession, well, I wouldn't be disappointed or "angry" or anything. OK, maybe slightly disappointed. :3

But yeah, that's that.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 8:05PM

joined Oct 14, 2015

Wow, this thread moves really fast. -_-'
So much I have missed out on... ~sobs~
Thanks for sharing the fanart and the link about Carol's analysis. Edit: While we are at it, the cinema-thing, The Danish Girl is also worth checking out. I like how LGBT issues/subjects are getting (slightly) more attention lately.

I also reread the whole FF story, just now. (And happens to notice the similar 'your hand is cold' thingie), but YamaChan beats me to it.

What also caught my interest in the more recent chapters was the phone call Seol-a received/made in chapter 58, right after the spicy roll cakes announcement. --It is really a hassle to upload the scene without a computer, so you have to look it up yourselves ;'(
Seol-a made plans to meet up with the caller on Saturday. Is this the same week she went to the ski resort? How many days have passes since chapter 58? It doesn't feel like a whole week has passed. If so, Seol-a must have cancelled her other 'date'. This peeked my interest, was wondering whether someone else caught this as well? Somebody on this forum was really good with FF-time flow... (Lend us your powers again to whomever the name I forgot).

And seeing how Ssamba pays attention to details (i.e. the way she wrote about Carol), I could not stop wandering whether this was something of significance?
Anyone of the fandom has any theory about why Ssamba would include the calling into the story? Or am I just over-thinking things now; all scenes involving calls had a meaning so far...


Just out of curiosity, who do you all want to confess first? (Maybe I'll put this up as a poll, but probably not now since there's a chapter dropping soon)

  • A: No-rae
  • B: Seol-a
  • C: Both - Simultaneous confessions ftw, coincidental timing be damned
  • D: Neither - Who needs confessions? They should jump straight to kissing
  • E: Neither - Frustrated feelings forever <3

I don't mind any of the options, as long as it is executed well. Though I like it to be natural, and as things are, no confession would be the way to go? -wishful thinking

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 11:00PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

I feel like it would be natural for Seol-a to confess. She just seems the type. So I think Seol-a confessing or no confession could both be natural.

I'm so looking forward to all the awkward. Haha.

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