I can see this story as a post credit pages of a series of chapters and volumes of the two girls love story. And how they may of been true deep Yuri lovers at heart at one point.
But one day some thing happens. Maybe see gets saved buy the guy. And she starts to fall in love with him but fears to break her girlfriends heart.
As days go buy her girlfriend starts to see her rub her stomach while she was day dreaming looking at a couple in a park with a baby.
Her girlfriend thinks she connects the dots and thinks she wants to adopt a baby. But later starts to get clues that she is depressed and stressed about her love life and who she really wants to be with...
With her being a selfless person she is she stays with her girlfriend because she doesn’t want her to be sad.
She later talks to the man that saved her girlfriends life and how much he meant to her over the years that all 3 spent together and how she longed for him but didn’t want to hurt any one.
In the end she persuades her to go after him. Telling her she will be happy if she is happy and that staying with her would do no good for each other for her sake.
(Maybe they have one last Yuri night before she goes off and gets married to him)
And in the end. It was enough.
They had loved and been a couple but they knew there destiny would forever change but will always be together as friends /part family forever till death due them part.