Forum › Amnesia Syndrome discussion

joined Oct 21, 2019

Just throwing it out there, but there are some pretty big unmarked spoilers in this one. The game isn't in English yet and I don't know if it'll ever get a translation but I still think it should be mentioned.

joined Oct 25, 2010

What an intriguing story! This could be a very interesting and wonderful story! I feel that Ruka and Yuki are close, maybe even lovers!
Only time will tell!

joined Jul 14, 2021


Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Incredible. A doujin settled between Chapter 4 Part 1 and Part 2 of the main story that is not afraid to address the hard and spoiler heavy topics that make Heaven Burns Red so fascinating and philosophical, while still retaining the humorous and absurd moments that make it endearing.

Indeed if Ruka needs to etch a strong memory of Yukki into her soul so she can never forget her... this would certainly be one way. At the beginning I was immediately reminded of Ichiko Oshima's event story which also revolved around memory loss, but the author had already thought of that and brought it up directly. Fortunately it did not take such a dramatic and dangerous trigger to recover her memories as it did in that event.

I have no doubt in my heart that Ruka and Yukki will eventually reach this point naturally in the canon. Memory loss aside, this felt completely in character already. As expected of the main couple I suppose.

joined Aug 29, 2023

Ayo can someone explain to me what happened to Megumi? I don't play the game but i watch the translation of the game on YouTube.

joined Sep 19, 2021

What's that about Aikawa? God dang what happened to her?

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

What's that about Aikawa? God dang what happened to her?


Ayo can someone explain to me what happened to Megumi? I don't play the game but i watch the translation of the game on YouTube.

In case both of you have not caught up since then and don't mind spoilers for some reason, at the end of Chapter 4 Part 1, Megumi leaves the military and goes into retirement in one of the Domes (temporarily). In Part 2 she returns. This doujin takes place in the gap between those chapters.

last edited at Apr 18, 2024 10:47AM

joined Mar 16, 2022

Came back after reading chapter 4.1
And I cried

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