Forum › Plankton discussion

joined Mar 28, 2022

There's another author entry:
They're a different author apart from this Plankton, however all the Revue Starlight doujins tagged under this author actually belong to Blueplankton - as seen through the artstyle and some is in their pixiv (dunno why some dj write their name as plankton, though); meanwhile it seems this Plankton only did IFTV works so far.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

There's another author entry:
They're a different author apart from this Plankton, however all the Revue Starlight doujins tagged under this author actually belong to Blueplankton - as seen through the artstyle and some is in their pixiv (dunno why some dj write their name as plankton, though); meanwhile it seems this Plankton only did IFTV works so far.

Fixed, thanks.

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