Forum › Acoustic Blue Hour discussion

joined May 28, 2013

ahh cuteness overload

joined Jan 31, 2013

What a sweet/cute doujin! AHHH I loved it!

joined Apr 10, 2013

Ha... I can't explain the cuteness by itself enough. And Marisa making a loving face is beyond comprehension when in Moe overload. Now, I can't think straight... always love the story and art of the creator...

joined Feb 8, 2013

Awww Keine holds a book upsight down while proposing to live together to Mokou
Made my day definitely

joined Apr 4, 2012

this is le continuation of flaxen twilight

joined Oct 15, 2013

Awww Keine holds a book upsight down while proposing to live together to Mokou
Made my day definitely

Noticed, really adorable!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012 UH!? Isn't that from Blanket!? That's another story and has nothing to do with this one, or did Keine erase the history!? I really don't get the touhou stuff u__u

They're part of the same collection, and seem to be presented as semi-linked stories.

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