Forum › Kimi Dake no Ponytail 2 discussion

joined Jun 12, 2017

I'm in love with this!!! It's so good!!! Although funnily enough the pacing is pretty hmm not fast per say but so one directional...if that makes sense.....? It makes it flow pretty well but too well....

That said I've read all of this to chapter 3 and I can see the realism in this. It's hard to relate to since I'm a woman but I can empathize with the characters. Also after reading Kaouru Oshima(sp?) work and watching an old porno he was in. I can Definitely see how the sex scenes can play out and it comes across as very cute and passionate....erotic~

I hope more works like these can be brought here. Not just the yaoi but the clear cut getting your feelings across and talking about it.

joined Dec 13, 2016

For being pornography, this work actually takes a very mature look at gender and sexuality. It's nice to see something without judgment in a gay doujin

joined Nov 24, 2017

This is so cute and wholesome, and I feel so jealous of them both.

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