Forum › Touhou Blue Book: Wakuraba Kotoha discussion

joined Jul 13, 2015


joined Dec 4, 2015

It was a really good doujin, really love Yohane's expressions.
Also, it's interesting how the majority of the comments wanted more Marisa X Shanghai over Reimu x Sanae, but I myself am the opposite, glad the focus was Reimu x Sanae. I know Yohane for quite some time, enough to agree with Norainhere (kind of), but am not very familiar with, so the Marisa x Shanghai pairing is kinda strange for me and maybe thats why my opinion differed from the majority (or it's probably just because I love Reimu)... Humu, that was some unnecessary explanations, hope that anyone reading this comment enjoyed this little bit of useless information (°∀°)b.

I never got why people did that - you are just turning a character who you supposedly like into someone else.

Well, I love Reimu the way she is, but I also love big breasts, so I can't really complain when seeing her depicted with them.

Disgruntled Farmer Tenshi
joined Mar 8, 2017

My favorite part of this is Shanghai in the background just keeping it real

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