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joined Jan 10, 2024

Chapter 16 is such a tonal change from the rest of the series and unfortunately for the worst. One thing I liked in this manga is unlike other edgy violent series it never tried to make obviously horrible ppl have some sort of little protagonist arc. Horrible. And, seriously, how many close ups of a mans erect penis does an action manga need? Every 5 pages according to this author.

Also WARNING, main heroine is raped off screen in 16.4, I already requested a tag change.

last edited at May 23, 2024 11:49AM

joined Jan 10, 2024

Suicide used as a segue to confession? You cant be serious. Dropped.

last edited at May 23, 2024 11:48AM

joined Jan 10, 2024

Me falling in love with dropped series happens way more than i'd like :(

last edited at May 23, 2024 11:51AM

joined Jan 10, 2024

As discussed earlier here, it's far more likely that this has less to do with "beauty pageants" and more with the topics s/he needs to speak about with the niece becoming far more awkward with a man.

Good, give me awkward, give me difficult, make it interesting.

joined Jan 10, 2024

Uncle should've remained a man, makes the story feel more grounded, not every manga has to be beauty pageant with 404 men not found, i wonder if authors editor suggested that.

joined Jan 10, 2024

To me personally, a regional dialect would be more appropriate. I think typically they fall back to very light American southern with a note saying the Japanese dialect she was speaking in in case someone wanted to google it. Vs what comes off as a separate national dialect entirely and very heavy. A few y'alls would be enough for me along with the occasions other characters note it, but I'm not the one who worked on it. Dealer's choice. I hope if it ever gets licensed they go my preferred route tho so I can get other people to read it easier.

Pretty much this is what I would have preferred, even just a different font to indicate she's speaking in regional dialect with asterisk explaining it would've been better. I don't want to insult Scottish language but the version of it used here feels very un-formal, i imagine this is what Scottish drunk hurling insults at you at the pub would sound like. I just can't take a work with lines like "I dinnae give a rat's arse aboot that" seriously, sorry.

joined Jan 10, 2024

A plea to the translators, if you ever think of substituting a dialect with Scottish... don't. Just please, for the love of goddess, don't.